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reunions can be bitter... or sweet

The closer the islands got, the more she felt her heart sinking into her stomach. She couldn't even begin to think of the possibilities of what was to happen now that she's headed back, back to where her own two parents had betrayed her. 

However, she didn't let any emotions show as she sat on the tiny little boat with the others. Nami constantly sent her looks, which did nothing but intimidate the brown-haired girl. She just cowered further into her spot on the boat, avoiding any conversation or eye contact with anyone until they got to the island.

As they arrived, Finn stuck with Zoro and Luffy as Nami went to figure out where to find a new ship. She didn't know what the plan was or how long they were going to stay here, but she hoped it was a short enough visit to not be seen by her parents.

She stood in front of a wall with Wanted posters, ones she'd seen multiple times before leaving the island. Some were in the same place, whereas a few new ones had shown up.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Zoro said as they looked at Buggy's bounty poster. "That clown was worth 15 million Berry. We should've stuffed his head in a bag and brought it with us."

Finn's nose scrunched at the thought of a head in a bag, before looking at the other posters on the wall. Some bounties were small whereas some were huge, intimidating her enough to not speak on the matter.

"What Marine would pay you that bounty anyway?" Luffy asked. He lay with his back on the ground, legs propped up against the wall holding the Wanted posters. His hands were behind his head as he stared up at the sky, seeming to not have a care in the world.

But then again, maybe he didn't. Finn noticed he was quite careless, but not in a bad way. He cared for the things that mattered to him and didn't seem to worry when it came to things that didn't.

Zoro looked down at Luffy, who just smiled bigger. "You're kind of a wanted man yourself now."

"Huh," Zoro said as he looked up, his jaw clenching for a moment. "Didn't think of that."

Luffy sighed as he rolled backward, standing up straight with little to no struggle. "All the more reason to get to the Grand Line. Fresh start!" He slapped Zoro on the shoulder, who just continued to stare at the Wanted posters.


Finn glanced past the boys, seeing Nami heading their way. She looked less than pleased, but Finn noticed she looked that way the majority of the time.

Luffy noticed Nami around the same time, a huge grin growing on his features. "Hey! You get us a ship?"

Finn watched with a hopeful eye, hoping that she'd somehow managed to get one. She wasn't a fan of thievery or violence, but if Nami could manage to snag a ship in any way she could, the girl wouldn't complain.

The less they were here, the better.

"Working on it." Nami smirked, "Did you push the sloop out to sea like I told you?"

"Yeah! No Marines are going to be following us here!" Luffy spoke excitedly.

Finn felt slight relief as Nami said she was working on the ship, but not much since they were still needing to stay there. Just because she was working on it didn't mean she had it yet, meaning they'd be here for a little longer than Finn hoped they would.

"Well we're not going to be here for very long," Nami said, causing relief to wash through Finn. "Turns out Syrup Village is known for their shipbuilding. Lots of options."

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