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the sad truth is that the truth is sad

More yelling was heard, yelling from what Finn could only assume was the 'strawhat' boy one of Buggy's freaks talked about. She sat nervously on the makeshift bed, rubbing the raw skin surrounding her wrists.

She glanced at the green-haired boy, who sat against the wheel. The rope was still around his wrists, but barely. They were around enough to make it look as if he was still tied tightly, but Finn knew that if he was as strong as he looked that he could rip right through the restraints.

The orange-haired girl continued picking at the lock that kept her inside the small cage, leaving Finn to sit on the bed and fiddle her thumbs. She was nervous, her stomach erupting with butterflies as she waited. There was nothing to do at this point except for wait, and although she knew she should be thinking of ways to get out of there the first moment she could - her mind wondered.

She shouldn't trust - couldn't trust - these two hostages. She knew that she'd just get hurt as she always did. If her own parents were so up and willing to hurt her, why should she trust these two complete strangers to treat her with any kindness and sympathy when she didn't even deserve it?

The boy, growing antsy, began to pull at the rope restraining his feet. He grunted, earning an eye roll from the girl in the cage. The tension was thick, almost to the point where Finn wished she weren't there to witness it.

 "What?" The boy asked, seeming to notice the other girl's expression.

"This is my life now," Was what the girl responded with.

Yet another conversation that shouldn't really involve Finn. She didn't know these people nor did she really care to - all she cared about at this point was getting herself out of here and out of reach from her old life.

If her parents didn't want her, then she didn't want them. She could survive without them, considering she'd gotten this far. At this point, she just needs to get out of the chains and maybe the two strangers will distract Buggy enough for her to slip out unnoticed.

"You want to trade places?" The boy sarcastically asked, glancing around the room.

The girl just ignored him, not seeming to have another snarky comment to respond with. The sound of someone outside of the room caught Finn's attention, her heart racing as she glanced to the boy with green hair.

He looked from Finn to the other girl, his chest picking up slightly. "Someone's coming."

"It's one of the freaks," Finn commented lowly, knowing who it was. She'd only been here such a short time - but she'd been smart enough to be able to pick up how certain people sounded when she walked. She hadn't cared to learn any of their names besides Buggy himself, but she was quick to pick up how each of them acted.

"I need more time. Keep them talking." The orange-haired girl spoke with wide eyes.

Finn felt nauseous due to her nerves. She knew these freaks were mean, considering who their leader was. She knew if they caught this girl with a lock pick it'd be over for all of them - even her.

Even if she hadn't had anything to do with it, she'd still get blamed. It's how it's always been.

"I don't talk. I hit things." The boy responded. Finn looked at him with a look of confusion.

"She means distract them, I think."

Just as the last syllable left Finn's mouth, one of the freaks came in on his unicycle. He rode in a circle before stopping a few feet away from the boy, dropping to the ground.

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