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not everything is as it seems

Everyone stared at Usopp as they waited for him to answer Finn's question. It was hard, considering he was still going over the many questions in his head as to why Finn had suddenly disappeared and why her parents lied to everyone about it.

He cleared his throat as he realized the attention was on him, glancing from Finn over to Zoro, Nami, and then finally - Luffy. "Well, the owner of that ship in particular just so happens to be one of my closest friends in the world."

"Which is why I ask. I know it's a big favor," Finn softly said, rubbing her hands against her shirt.

"She's also one of your best friends, Finn. She'd probably do anything especially if it means you don't hate her." Usopp somberly spoke, pursing his lips.

"Wait a minute," Nami spoke, interrupting the two yet again. "So you're telling me your friend owns this ship-" She pointed at the ship Luffy had been looking at before turning her attention to Finn. "Not to mention you knew connections to get the ship and said nothing to any of us?"

"Look, I-"

"No, Finn. What happened to being in this together?" Nami dramatically asked. "You've let us run around like chickens with our heads cut off and you knew this guy the entire time? Not to mention the owner of this ship? Who are you, exactly?"

"Hey let's talk about this later, yeah?" Zoro asked as he cleared his throat, turning his attention to Usopp. "Your friend owns the ship? That's the question."

"Not just this one. She owns the whole shipyard." Usopp happily spoke, a smile on his face at the thought of his beloved friend. "She's... rich rich."

Nami looked over at Finn, glaring. She was suspicious of Finn - rightfully so considering she knew almost nothing about her - and felt she was hiding a lot more secrets than just the one about being friends with Usopp and the friend they'd yet to meet.

"Oh!" Luffy spoke with excitement, turning to the others with a jump in his step. "Hear that?"

"I'm sure you could strike a deal with her or something. She'll honestly probably be so excited to see Finn that she just gives it to you. But don't take my word from it, you'll have to meet her yourself to find out." Usopp replied, his eyes finding Finn's again.

She stared at the ground, tears welling in her eyes. She was emotional due to many things, mostly due to the fact that Nami was talking to her as if she'd purposely made them run around like maniacs. She was running from her past - the way most people were. There's nothing wrong with that. Not to mention she was offered to come with the crew, she didn't ask to be here. She would've somehow managed to make it on her own had Luffy never asked her to join them.

And even then, Luffy's made it obvious he was captain, yet he hadn't even bothered to question how she knew Usopp or Kaya. He didn't seem to care either and instead was more worried about getting the ship the right way.

Luffy held his hands up in excitement before dropping them to his sides, Usopp copying the quick action. "See?" He asked Nami.

Nami looked from Finn to Luffy, a sudden smirk appearing on her features. This caused Finn to look at her in confusion, the sudden mood change enough to intimidate her and make her feel uneasy.

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to say hello."

Finn stared at her, wondering what that meant. Nami was just against staying longer than needed, but now it was as if she switched completely, also forgetting about how Finn had known Usopp.

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