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we were silent,
so pain spoke in the absence of our words

Finn stared at Usopp in shock, not having expected him to go against Kaya's wishes the way that he had. She wiped her tears from her face, watching as Usopp turned toward the girls.

"I'm not leaving your side," Usopp spoke. "Not till I know you're safe."

It was very obvious the words were meant for Kaya, and although it wasn't the time nor the place Finn couldn't help but envy it. She felt jealous - she knew it was jealousy - and as much as she didn't want to feel it, she couldn't help it. Usopp was known to cower away from things, to run, and never look back.

But he was facing his fears despite how hard it was, and although she felt envy and jealousy, she couldn't help but feel proud and admire him for how much he cared for Kaya.

Usopp sat down, tears glistening in his eyes as he patiently waited for whatever storm was bound to come through the door.

Finn nodded, knowing she couldn't leave - despite how much her mind and body wanted to. She sat down as well, Kaya glancing between the two in disbelief.

She sighed as she noticed there was no changing their minds. Usopp and Finn were going to sit there and make sure Kaya was safe - no matter the cost.

It was silent between the three, and Finn found herself staring at the ground in thought to avoid any awkward eye contact with the others. It was like this for what felt like forever until the lights began to flicker.

Usopp glanced around as Finn jumped up from her spot, on edge as she knew at any point Kuro could come after them.

"What's that?" Usopp asked as shutters began to close over the only window in the bedroom.

"The security shutters," Kaya answered, pulling her hand away from her face. "My parents built them to keep the pirates out."

Usopp and Finn shared a look before Usopp looked back at Kaya. "But now they're keeping the pirates in..."

"With us," Finn finished softly. She brought her hands up to her hair, gripping the roots slightly as she realized what this meant.

That's why they hadn't gone after her or Usopp. They didn't need to. They'd get Kaya whether the two of them left or not, and even if they had gotten someone to come help, it would've been too late.

The door began to rattle and Kaya shot up from her seat. The three hovered by each other next to the closed window.

Finn shook in fear but did her best to not show it, standing on the right side of Usopp. He stood a little closer to Kaya and held an arm around her stomach.

Nami suddenly shot through the door, relief flowing through Finn as she visibly relaxed. "Thank God you're still alive." She told them, looking between the three.

Her eyes finally landed on Kaya, who sent her a confused look.

"Why wouldn't we be alive?"

Nami then explained everything. Well, everything that Usopp and Finn hadn't known. She told Kaya how Kuro was poisoning her, and how she'd heard them talking in the kitchen without their knowledge. She was careful with her words, laying it out honestly for the girl as it was a lot to take in.

Usopp looked at the tea in shock, seeming to piece the puzzle together. Finn did the same, her hands in her hair as she realized all the little things she hadn't noticed before her parents got rid of her.

"Did Usopp put you up to this?" Kaya asked, causing Finn's eyes to snap to hers.

"I didn't even know," Usopp honestly spoke, a heartbroken look on his features. "I gave you that tea."

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