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own the strength in your softness

"So how did you get involved with him anyway?" Luffy asked Finn as they sat in the small boat. He was currently painting something on a big black cloth, something Finn couldn't quite make out.

"I was taken,"  Finn answered honestly. "My parents had given me to this pirate because they didn't have the Berry to give or something, I don't know. Either way they offered me up without a second thought."

"They just gave you to Buggy?" Zoro asked, chiming into the conversation. He'd barely spoken the entire time since they left, Luffy doing most of the talking.

"Not Buggy. Some other pirate I didn't catch the name of. Buggy then infiltrated their ship and took everything they wanted." Finn shrugged as she picked at her clothes, "I was part of that."

"Well good thing you're out of that." Luffy spoke with a smile. "That devil fruit power you have is pretty cool, too."

"Devil fruit power?" Finn asked.

Zoro stood up and walked into the back as Nami walked out. She sat down and pulled out a map, not seeming to care much about their conversation.

"That thing you did at Buppy's!" Luffy exclaimed, "The devil fruit power."

Finn had heard of devil fruits. She heard the worst of the worst about them, how the people who inhabited the powers were corrupted and vile. She'd never seen one, let alone knew anyone with it until she met Buggy.

"I've ate the Gum-Gum fruit, meaning I can do this!" Luffy reached his arm back, stretching it extremely high before letting it go back to its normal size.

It was similar to what he did in his fight with Buggy, Finn noticed.

"Aren't devil fruits extremely hard to get ahold of? I don't understand how I'd be able to-" Finn stopped, realization hitting her features. That extremely nasty food she'd ate in the unknown pirates ship was an odd looking fruit, one she didn't question simply because she was so hungry she didn't really care how gross it was. "I'm so stupid." She muttered, leaning back against the wall.

"I never intended to eat the devil fruit. After I'd been taken by the first pirate I was stuck with they didn't really feed me. I ate the only thing I could get my hands up which was some odd looking food. That must've been a devil fruit," Finn then explained, looking at Luffy. "I didn't even know until Buggy pointed it out to me I was doing it."

"Well, it was cool!" Luffy exclaimed, looking back down at his work. He then glanced at Nami, who was completely focused on whatever map she'd been looking at. "Hey, Nami!"

She ignored him, her eyes never leaving the map. "Nami!" He called out again, a bright smile on his face.

"What?" She asked, finally looking to Luffy.

He stood up, picking up the black cloth with red, yellow, and white on it. He held it out, "It's ready!" He exclaimed with excitement, the flag waving around in the wind.

Finn looked at it, seeing a poorly drawn skull with a hat that resembled his own quite a bit. She realized this was meant to be Luffy's Jolly Roger, something every pirate crew has on their ship resembling something that had to do with the crew.

"And what is it?" Nami asked, not showing too much emotion.

Finn had noticed this about Nami. She was much like Zoro, the two hardly ever showing any sort of emotion whereas Luffy was so full of joy and determination, it basically radiated off of him.

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