Chapter 1: Escape.

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Keegan & Kaiden.

I heard the sounds of one of our houseparent's using the staff bathroom. It was right next to our bedroom and I knew that they would soon be checking on us all before they retired for the night. It was an evening ritual that was now never missed.

I lay in bed and tried to breathe slowly and normally. It was difficult. I was so anxious about what was to come once the lights had gone out.

The subdued light through the opaque glass on the bathroom door cast enough light for me to see my twin brother in the bed opposite me. He was looking back at me. I just made out the smile of encouragement formed by his lips. I could sense him telling me it would be okay.

I smiled weakly back, hoping it would be. I still had my doubts. What if Mick came to this bed instead? What would Keegan do? Would he be able to save me in time? We had not really talked about that scenario. I began to wish we had.

Mick the Dick, at 16, was the eldest boy in the Care Home that we had been dumped in six weeks ago. We called him that, not because he was hung or anything to do with that part of his anatomy, it was because we thought he was a complete arse, stupid even, and an utter prat. The home was called Cartref Melys. It means Sweet Home in Welsh but there was nothing sweet or homely about this Boy's Home for Orphans. Far from it.

The other week on Halloween, Mick the Dick and two of the other older boys had climbed up the drainpipe and forced open the sash window to our upstairs bedroom. They entered quietly, before making ghost-like noises waking us up.

Patrick Munday, the other boy who shared our bedroom, had jumped out of his bed, screaming and yelling his head off in fright, as he saw figures wearing spooky masks. I just lay there, shaking under the covers, being hugged and protected by Keegan.

That was when everyone found out that Keegan and I liked to sleep together in the same bed. Sleep as in sleep. We had always done it. Just because we had been taken into Care, it wasn't going to stop us. No way! I need his hugs. Always have. Always will. Can't sleep without one.

Mick and the others were obviously reprimanded for playing that Halloween prank. However, being the houseparent's favourite it was just a mild ticking off, though.

For us, the punishment was more severe. We were reported to our Welfare Officer for sexual misconduct. Really? Come on! We were just sleeping. Jeez! Now we had received an official notification with an appointment to see him and his superiors. The threat of being separated had been clearly stated.

In the meantime Mick had decided it was okay for him to sexually abuse us once the houseparents' had gone to bed.

He thought, being the eldest, he had rights over the younger boys, and finding me and Keegan all snuggled up gave him the justification for forcing himself, most nights, on me or Keegan. Or so he thought.

After the first night when he had gone to Keegan's bed and made him go down on him, he had warned it was my turn the next night. It was Keegan who came up with the idea of swapping beds. Being identical we knew he would never notice we had switched beds every other night.

Anyway, Keegan, as the dominant twin, had insisted on doing it, saying he had to protect me. I never argue with him. Ever. He was usually right. Besides, if I didn't agree about something he would always listen. I love him to bits. It's as simple as that. Not sexually, I mean just love in its natural form.

The previous night, as Mick forced Keegan into performing the usual degrading act, he had groped Keegan's penis and found it aroused. He then promptly promised Keegan, who he actually thought was me by the way, that as he obviously loves cock, he would fuck him good and proper the next time.

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