Chapter 27: Intentions.

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Cameron's POV.

After the meeting with the social workers on Monday evening I felt chuffed to bits. They had come down hard on Brandon for his bullying of me. Whilst they outwardly said they accepted that it was his racist and homophobic views behind it all, I knew that they were not fooled. John and Margaret had already told me that they had told them the truth, but I would be in further danger if anything was said now. I expected something to be said at another time so any link to me would be just pure conjecture. For that I was grateful and very relieved.

John and Margaret were proving to be as good as their word. I saw why Keegan and Kaiden now adored them. Over the next few months they were often inviting me for meals and sleeping over. They always included me in any special event and always made me feel welcome.

I always slept, alone, in Keegan's designated bedroom though. He did creep down the corridor for some nocturnal making out, but we never went too far, despite both our urges, and he never stayed the night.

He didn't want to abuse their trust...., and neither did I.

I was now regularly going to see a therapist, a really nice, young, Canadian guy called Travis. Mum sometimes tagged along, and I guessed she quite fancied him as she always made sure she was hot to trot with makeup and clothes for the appointment. She had to wait outside during the meeting, but had time alone afterwards to 'discuss' any issues.

I liked him and grew to trust him. He was definitely non judgmental and not just a great listener. He actually sounded interested in me and how I felt. I was feeling less and less depressed, even after just a few sessions, so much so I was comfortable enough to tell him really personal things. How I felt towards my family and what I felt towards Keegan and, funnily enough, how I felt towards Kaiden.

He picked up on my envy of their relationship. The closeness and almost exclusivity of it. He helped me deal with it in a positive way. Helped me to compartmentalise it. Put things into perspective. He commented on the changes in me once Keegan began to make more time just for me.

Don't get me wrong. I love Kaiden almost as much as I love Keegan...... It's just that I didn't realise sharing my boyfriend with someone else would be so hard and affect me so much.

I was closer now to Kaiden than I was to Eric. I was still good friends with Eric and there was no problem between us regarding my sexual orientation. I always sat next to him during our classes, shared various stories and events with him just as always. But Eric was 100% straight. He thought like one and did not relate to my inclinations. He never put me down or made fun of me, nothing like that, but he just didn't understand things the way another gay boy would, whereas Kaiden did.

Eric had a girlfriend now and spent a good portion of his time out of school with her. We spoke less and less than we had done previously as a result. I had a sense of her jealousy of my friendship with him at first, but after a few weeks she seemed to relax. Eric swore he hadn't told her I was gay, but I admit I didn't believe him. The change in her attitude towards me was that different.

I still spent most of the breaks at school sitting with Kaiden and talking. Depending on the weather, Keegan had his kick around of football. I now knew why he had this break away from Kaiden. What I termed earlier as being selfish.

Spending time with them at their house I saw just how much time and effort he put in caring for Kaiden. Often little things. Never begrudgingly. Always willingly. I felt bad about those thoughts of selfishness. I saw his kick around football as his 'Me Time' and quite rightly needed. I saw the demand placed on him, sometimes unknowingly, by Kaiden.

Things were much better between us since I was having my regular 'Me Time' with Keegan. I was not as jealous and if I needed to talk privately to him he simply made the time for me.

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