Chapter 22: Defiance.

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Cameron's POV.

I stood in the Headmaster's office for the second time that day. The school secretary and first aider, Mrs Peters, was standing beside me and Mr Banyard, the headmaster, sitting at his desk opposite me.

"I have sent for your mother Cameron and would just like to ask you again if it was Kane who has caused these bruises before she arrives. I understand your reluctance to say who did this, but this is something that we cannot ignore. If you continue to refuse to cooperate then I have no alternative but to involve social services. I'm not sure if you fully understand the seriousness of the position that it would put you in."

"With respect, Sir, I fully understand my position. If I say anything to you or anyone else it will make matters worse for me."

"Why would it make things worse?"

"It's my Dad and Uncle. They will go spare when they find out," I lied. "They'll see it as me letting the side down. See it as a weakness and I'm not allowed to have any..., what with being a Daniels and all that. That's what will make things worse."

"You don't have to put up with this Cameron, really you don't. There are ways in which we can protect you. We would be failing in our duty if we didn't. I can understand the pressure you are under to conform to your family's demands. All your teachers tell me that you are so very different from your siblings. They all speak highly of you. They say you are diligent and respectful. You have never been in serious trouble and you conduct yourself here in school in an exemplary manner, something Brandon and Austin have never done. It's time to think about what you want, Cameron, not what your family does."

I felt quite proud hearing Mr Banyard say that. I didn't realise that the teachers noticed me that much. True. I was an obedient student, but for any of them to have said any of that surprised me. I was never a model student. That's for sure.

"Go with Mrs Peters, and sit outside until your mother comes," Mr Banyard ordered. "Sit quietly and have a cup of tea and maybe you can give what I have said some thought?"

Mrs Peters was nice. She made me a cup of tea and even offered me a biscuit. I could tell she was feeling sorry for me, but that was something I didn't want. I just wanted everyone to just leave me alone.

Mum arrived about 20 minutes after I had sat down with my tea, and after a quick hug and a ruffle of my hair, went and spent 10 minutes in with Mr Banyard before I was called back in.

I could see Mum had been crying, but was trying to put on a brave face.

I instantly felt uncomfortable and knew she had mentioned my depression and reliance on medication. I felt my anxiety rising as I wondered if she had told them what she thought was the cause. I wasn't sure how she knew, but up until now she had only just hinted about my inclinations and I had ignored it, not taking the opportunity to tell her anything. If she's now even suggested to Banyard I was gay then I would be seriously pissed off with her. I didn't want to be outed here, not just yet. If I was, and other kids found out, then it could ruin my budding relationship with Keegan.

I was pretty sure she didn't know about Brandon's behaviour towards me. He had made sure of that, the bleeding coward. However, she knew all about Dad taking a belt to me on more than one occasion and she did fuck all about that. What could she do about Brandon? Would she go up against him and Uncle Harry? Not bleeding likely.

I was brought back to reality by Mr Banyard asking the question. "Have you had enough time to think about what we spoke about, Cameron?"

I meekly nodded.


The question hung in the air for a while before I answered. "I'm a Daniels, Sir. I don't grass."

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