Chapter 30: Caught.

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Cameron's POV.

There's not much you can deny when you're caught totally naked, on your back with your legs in the air, and a boy on top servicing you, is there?

Brandon's cry of 'What the fuck!' put an equally stark bollock naked Keegan completely out of his stride and silenced the camel sounding baying noise he always made as he ejaculated.

Timing was not one of Brandon's strong points.

With a face like fury Brandon lunged at us both. Keegan disengaged from me and tried to stand his ground against him.

Brandon's punch was not that wide of its mark as Keegan neatly ducked it. Brandon stepped back and adjusted his stance and readied himself to strike again. In doing that he left himself open and Keegan automatically seized the opportunity to kick Brandon right in the meat and two veg, bringing him down onto his knees in pain. A well aimed punch from Keegan to his chin, saw him falling over backwards and lying senseless on the floor.

It was all over so quickly.

We quickly grabbed our clothes and hastily dressed and rushed down the stairs to see Kaiden, at the foot, looking distressed and nursing an eye.

Brandon had just unnecessarily lashed out at him and it was all I could do to stop Keegan from going back up the stairs and inflicting further blows on an unconscious Brandon.

We all left my house. We couldn't rush because of Kaiden, but we just made our way to the bus stop round the corner and took the first bus that came, wherever its destination was.

Fortuitously it was into the town centre. We needed time to think.

My Dad was due home at the end of the week and once he got to hear about it I knew he would go crazy.

Keegan phoned John and asked him if he would come alone and pick us up. I guessed by Keegan asking him to do that meant he was going to tell John everything that happened.

I felt sick and as guilty as hell. I felt that we had done something wrong. I could feel the black cloud of depression descending down on me and I began to shake. I didn't realise but Kaiden was doing the same thing.

Keegan told me later that all he could do was to wrap his arms around us both and comfort us the best he could until John arrived.

Keegan's POV.

I knew Kaiden was liable to shut down. The signs were all there and I phoned John. There was nothing else I could do. I needed to get Kaiden home. I knew that in phoning John, I would have to tell him everything that had gone on and what we had been doing. I wasn't relishing doing that. Not one bit.

As soon as I ended the call, Cameron began shaking and lost the colour to his face. It was like he was about to burst into tears. That's all I needed.

I tried to comfort him by putting my arms around him. People gave us odd looks as they hurried by. I just poked my tongue out at those who stared too long. They always looked away.

I was grateful that John arrived quickly and with little fuss both Kaiden and Cameron were ushered into the car. Cameron in his withdrawn state in the front seat, and Kaiden sat on the back seat, wrapped in my arms.

I gave John a brief outline of what had gone on as he drove us home.

I half expected him to get angry and be mad at me and half expected him not too. I literally didn't know how he would react. All I knew was that the feeling I had let him down was at the forefront of my mind.

On arriving home John insisted that we talked about it with Margaret included. At first I resented being told that. Yes.... I was embarrassed, and quite rightly so.

Margaret didn't look too pleased with me. She didn't look angry, but upset. She had that disappointed look to her that she had given me on quite a few occasions when I had let the side down. I knew this was another such time.

"I'm sorry Margaret," I plucked up the courage to say as I cuddled Kaiden on the sofa. "I can see that you are disappointed in me. We haven't ever done what we did here. It's always been round Cameron's place."

"Oh! So you think that makes it alright then, do you?"

I hung my head in shame and muttered, 'No' , quietly.

"Sorry Keegan?" She instantly came back at me. "I didn't quite hear that."

Her frosty look and raised eyebrow hit home as I raised my head. "I said no Margaret."

"I am disappointed that you didn't at least tell John that your relationship with Cameron had become physical. I can accept that it would be embarrassing telling me, but I thought we were past you not trusting us?"

Cameron was sitting in the armchair opposite me. His head slightly bowed. Not moving or saying a word. I knew he was listening because I saw him raise his eyes on a couple of occasions, watching me squirm.

"Why sneak round Cameron's house?" John asked. "Too ashamed to admit it to us?"

"In a way, yes!" I admitted. "One of you is always at home and I would feel bad doing what we've been doing here and you hearing us."

"We know that you have sneaked down to where Cameron is sleeping when he stays over. Granted you've not stayed long."

That revelation by John surprised me. "And you've not said anything?" I asked.

"We understand that you both need some private time together away from Kaiden. We assumed that you were just kissing and that...., nothing more," John answered as he fixed his eyes on me. "We actually thought you would come and tell us that you were wanting to take it further. When did it become more than that?"

"If you're thinking we've always been doing something you're wrong. It's only the past four weeks that we've been using his house to do that. Before then we just did other things." I hoped that they didn't want to know any further details because I wasn't going to tell them.

"This is what we didn't want to happen Keegan. Not you and Cameron being really intimate with each other, but you being deceitful about it."

John's hurt look made me feel even worse.

I tried to make excuses. "I didn't want anyone else to know but us two...., you know I am kinda private about these things."

Margaret wasn't having any of it. "Kaiden knows, doesn't he? Or have you suddenly stopped telling him things?"

"He knows we are doing more than just kissing...., but I haven't gone into details.... There's no need for him to know, and besides, that's way too much info."

"So why was Kaiden on sentry duty then?" John asked as if he didn't already know the answer.

"He wasn't on sentry duty..., you know I don't just leave him on his own. He knows I want private time with Cameron and doesn't want a ring side seat."

"You know we're going to have to speak to his mother and the pair of you are going to have to face up to the consequences." Margaret's tone was not one of judgement, but one more of empathy for the situation we had brought upon ourselves. "You should have talked to us Keegan..... Yes, we would have encouraged you both to wait, but ultimately we would have looked to find a way to support you."

I felt ashamed.

Cameron's POV.

It was just Keegan with me in the car when John drove me home to face my mother.

John had already spoken on the phone to her. She knew nothing about our use of the family home for sexual activity. When she had arrived home the house had been empty. She assumed I was with Keegan and had said she was not bothered where Brandon was.

I guessed he was round Uncle Harry's. If he told him what we had been doing, then I knew I was in the proverbial....., up to my neck.

I was in a frightened and desperate state when I opened our front door to let the three of us in. I hoped Mum would have all the answers as to how I could deal with the backlash....., but I wasn't hopeful.

I was desperate for a hug from her.......

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