Chapter 13: Busted.

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Cameron's POV.

There, I had said it. It was now down to him. I was adamant that if he didn't clarify our status then I would back off completely. I was hoping that now he knew he was more than likely staying put he would do this.

He pulled his hand away from mine and grabbed his hot chocolate and cupped it in both hands. "I wasn't holding back just because we might not be staying here. It's a bit more complicated than that. Margaret was right in one respect. In fact she was almost pretty spot on. I'm not just protective of Kaiden, we rely on each other and that is what you would have to deal with if anything was to happen between us. Could you do that?"

"Is that what you meant earlier when I came in?"

Keegan nodded and looked up at me and held my gaze. "Kaiden is the most important person in my life. He comes first with me. Any boyfriend that I have has to understand that. He will always come second until Kaiden is able to fend for himself, or has someone else to look after him. That's the way it is Cameron. You get on with Kaiden, which is fine, but I couldn't deal with you getting jealous of the attention I give him at your expense."

I gave a nervous chuckle. "You know you really confused me, you know, when we met. You seemed to want me, but then you kept me at arm's length. Can you tell me why?"

I was a little surprised as Keegan got embarrassed. "I don't do relationships, Cameron. I'm a nasty little shit that loves and leaves. I just wanted to have a bit of fun with you, that's all. I mean, having my wicked way with you and then wave you goodbye."

The memory of Adam Eastwood skipped across my mind. So Keegan was one of those boys, was he? "What stopped you doing that? Something happened to make you back off, didn't it?"

"Yeah! It was you. It was the way you automatically included Kaiden. Made a point of noticing him and teasing him. It sort of changed how I looked at you. That day when you sat and talked to him. No one has ever done that quite like that before. I liked that kindness in you."

"So if I hadn't been nice to Kaiden you would have tried to seduce me and then fucked off? Fuck you Keegan. I've never been with a boy and don't intend to until I know I can trust them."

I stood up to leave and Keegan pulled me back down. "Just stay and listen, Cameron, please? You don't know everything about us or what we've been through. I'm not saying what I was thinking was right, but I don't see you like that anymore. I meant what I said earlier. It will take someone special to be number one in my heart. I really do think it could be you. There's something about you that's different. Something we both like. Something I really like."

I sat back down and this time Keegan took my hand. He looked me straight in the eye. "I fancied you the moment I saw you. The more I have got to know you the more I like you. I really do think that I could love you, not in the same way as I love Kaiden, but more than that..., yet it will take some time. I can see that we need to be friends first before we are lovers."

I could tell he was serious. He wasn't trying to seduce me. There was a real honesty about him that was endearing.  "You said you just wanted to have fun with me. How many times have you done this to other boys before?"

"Not many, just a few, but I always wore protection. I ain't got any disease or anything, if that's what you mean."

"Just cum and go, was it?"

"Yeah! Ejaculate and evacuate every time, but you're different, Cameron. I've just told you this. What more can I say?"

I leaned back on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling. He had been honest with me and told me the sort of guy he was. The thing was I still liked him. Not enough to let him pop my cherry, but I liked him enough to want to be with him. To be his boyfriend.

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