Chapter 10: Honesty.

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John & Margaret Gray.

Cameron's POV.

I had accepted the twins' invitation to go to their birthday meal just to piss Keegan off. It worked, because I could see from his face he was not happy. He had been coming on to me for weeks now and had not actually asked me out and I was getting a little confused by it.

Okay, I can hear people saying why didn't you ask him out? Well it doesn't work like that. Not with someone like Keegan. He's the type to take the lead. To be in control. To be dominant, and I guess I quite like that quality in him.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a pushover. I made suggestions of us going places together. Dropped hints and things like that, giving him the opening. He just didn't take it.

It wasn't because he was unsure if I liked him or not. I had told Kaiden that often enough. Something was holding him back and I was buggered if I knew what it was.

Kaiden was no help with that either. He wasn't letting on. He played at being dumb, but I knew he knew. They shared everything. Every secret. Every scrap of gossip. He knew the reason for Keegan's hesitation in dating me proper and he wouldn't say.

The day before the party Kaiden and I were talking as we usually did over the lunch break. He told me that Keegan was going to tell me again to lie about who I was. Just so that their foster parents wouldn't be obliged to mention it in their report.

He, on the other hand, advised against it. His view was that to lie would leave them more open to be moved on once they found out. By telling the truth, he said, would serve them better. He wanted me to be totally honest with them about everything. To answer any question fully and without hesitation.

I was now in a quandary. Did I listen to Kaiden who was becoming a really good friend? Or did I listen to the boy I wanted to be my boyfriend and lover?

I tossed a coin. Heads for being honest and tails for keeping quiet. It fell on tails and I didn't like the result so I ignored it. I knew I would probably go with my heart and not my head anyway. I usually did. I just hoped Keegan would understand.

I arrived at their house on the Saturday at 6pm as planned, still undecided. The house was quietly impressive. It had a double bayed frontage and an in/out driveway.

I rang the doorbell and stood back. My anxiety level was almost at a critical level. I was so apprehensive and scared that I would make a mistake and Keegan would never forgive me. I now regret coming.

I was armed with a birthday card for them each, and the Coldplay album CD, A Head Full Of Dreams, for Keegan and the Adele 25 CD album for Kaiden. I just hoped that no one else had thought to buy them.

Keegan greeted me at the door. "I know what Kaiden has told you," he whispered, before even inviting me in. "I ain't gonna tell you what to do, but I really am worried about what will happen when they find out. What are you going to do? Just so that I am prepared."

"I haven't 100% decided yet, Keegan. I'm sorry," I whispered back. "My head tells me to be honest, but my heart? It's not wanting to upset you. I was waiting to see what your foster parents were like and take it from there. Sort of go on intuition."

"You are just like Kaiden, aren't you? Intuitive and not logical." He opened the door wide inviting me to enter at last.

I laughed nervously as he took my coat and hung it up in the cupboard under the stairs. "Yeah! That's why we get on so well. I'm hoping that you will get to like me as much as you like him."

"Huh! Dream on sweet cheeks. It will take someone really special to shift him from the number one spot in my life."

I was about to take offence when I saw the cheeky smile form on his lips. "Play your cards right and you could be that Mr Special."

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