Chapter 26: Candidness.

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Keegan's POV.

It was Friday night and it was just me and Cameron relaxing in the hot tub. The two outside heaters were also switched on to take any chill out of the air. John had deployed the expandable privacy windbreak, not only to cut out the cold easterly wind that regularly blew through the garden, but, as Margaret had suggested, to create a more cosy and romantic ambience.

Kaiden had surprised me by saying he would rather go to our room and use the computer than play gooseberry. I knew for sure then that whatever it was Cameron was wanting to talk about Kaiden already knew, or at least knew some of it. He was never one to pass up on any gossip.

Whatever it was Cameron was planning to say, it was serious and my apprehension orbited.

I was slightly put out when Cameron had stripped off to reveal proper bathers. I had hoped that he had forgotten to bring his swimming attire and I could lend him my white football shorts again. Luck was not on my side.

We had sat for a while not saying much of anything at all. Just nervous small talk. I could see that Cameron was hesitant to instigate any conversation. I sensed it was down to me, as host, to start the ball rolling.

"Well! I guess it's just you and me kid!" I suddenly blurted out in the phoniest American accent ever, making Cameron giggle.  

It broke the tension for sure as he snuggled up beside me. I wrapped an arm over his shoulders and kissed the top of his head. "What's bothering you. Have I done something wrong?"

Cameron quickly pulled away and looked at me surprised. "No! Not at all......! What makes you think that?"

"You wanting to talk to me without Kaiden earwigging for starters."

"Is it wrong for me to have done this then? To force you to make some time for just me?"

"No...., but you know we don't like being separated. I told you that right at the start."

"Yeah! You did, but you never said I wouldn't have any real private time with you. We have odd moments, but never any real dedicated time, just you and me. It's been getting to me because there are things I need to discuss with you and I don't want to discuss them in front of Kaiden. If we choose to tell him about it afterwards...., then that's our prerogative."

Our eyes held each other's look. I could see he was shaking a little bit. I wasn't sure if it was nerves getting the better of him or he was cold, so I pulled him down lower in the hot water and wrapped him in my arms again. "I know I should be more of a boyfriend to you, but I don't trust myself...., you know...., being alone with you. I get so horny and want to touch you that, I guess, I have tried not to put myself in that situation. The other night was a prime example. I wanted you so bad I knew if I didn't up and leave when I did, I would spoil things."

"I can understand that...., as it goes you left me high and dry and I had to jerk myself off."

"What the what? You wanted me to touch you?"

"Maybe. But I'm glad we didn't. I had to fantasise instead."

"Did you fantasise it was me doing it?"

"Did I hell......! I just pretended my other hand was a strangers."

I slapped him on the top of the head and then pushed him under the water. He came up spluttering and, grabbing me back, tried to fully immerse me too.

After a session of play fighting we both settled down again and I waited for him to start talking once more.

Cameron's POV.

Our play fighting came to an end and I snuggled up close to Keegan, enjoying being alone with him so much.

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