Chapter 5: Anxiety.

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Cameron's POV.

I was on edge the whole of the lesson before lunch break. My knees were bouncing up and down under the desk so much that Eric noticed.

"Cam!" He leant across and whispered with his hand over his mouth, "Did you not take your pills this morning?"

"Yes!" I hissed back. "They don't seem to be working today."

We were packing away our books at the end of the lesson when Eric asked me if I needed to go to the medical room.

"No! But thanks Eric," I replied. "It's just meeting up with this Keegan fella at lunch break that's got the wind up me."

"For real?"

"Can't really say why, just that it's the effect he is having on me right now. Daft ain't it?"

"No... Not with you like you are. You want me to come with you?"

"Would you?"

"Seriously? You are a plonker! Of course. You only had to ask. Is he that scary?"

"Not so much scary, but.... I'll let you form your own opinion."

We were first to arrive at the lockers and we had just put our books away when the twins arrived.

"This is Eric Dawson. We've been mates since primary school."

Keegan bumped fists with him, before introducing himself and then Kaiden.

I handed him his exercise book.

Keegan smiled as he took it. "Pleased to see you didn't doodle on mine and curl up the edges."

He then produced mine from a small pile of books he held in his hand. "Kinda cute drawings, obviously struggling to say something."

I blushed as I knew what he was referring to. I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and pulled on my right ear lobe with my right hand. I felt hot and uncomfortable.

Kaiden giggled. I assumed at my predicament as I saw Keegan nudge him to stop. "Pay no attention to him. He reckons they are easy to understand once you get into them."

"Glad someone understands them as I bloody well don't," Eric interjected with a big grin. "They've been getting worse and worse the past year."

"You guys want to join us for lunch?" Keegan asked, fixing his eyes on me again.

"Nah! That's okay," I quickly answered, "I wanna write up me Maths lesson from last week before this afternoon's one first. We'll grab something later. Thanks all the same."

"Sure!" He answered with a smile and I just knew he was aware of the effect he was having on me. "Guess we'll 'run' into each other again soon."

We all bumped fists and went our separate ways. I stopped myself from looking back. I wondered if he was watching me, waiting for me to turn and look. I wanted to, but I was worried that he would take it as confirmation that I was interested.

We headed for one of the study rooms. "Why didn't you have lunch with them and copy up after?" Eric said as we sat down.

"I got embarrassed because of the doodles. I didn't want to have to explain them or why I do them. They would think I was odd."

"Well you are, aren't you? Besides, that Kaiden's a bit odd too. Didn't say or do much apart from giggle. You two would make a great pair."

"Yeah! I think there's something really wrong with him. You notice the way he walked. Sort of laboured, like."

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