Chapter 32: Results.

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Cameron, Keegan, & Kaiden.

Cameron's POV.

I was told Uncle Harry was taken by surprise.

The police arrived with a search warrant at the house and it yielded up its host of secret contents, including knives and, more worryingly, guns. Uncle, and a few others, were immediately arrested. Austin was arrested a few hours later with other family members as the shake down gathered momentum.

Brandon too was arrested around home as Kane had ratted that he had given him the knife to put the frighteners on us.

Dad escaped charges as he was already incarcerated at the time of the search, which gave me some grace with Mum...., along with the fact that I never ever mentioned that she had offered to stand beside me against Uncle Harry.

Talk about a result. The blame fell on Kane..., and also on Brandon, for putting him up to it. In a way I felt some sadness for my brothers as it wasn't something I had wanted to happen. I had just wanted them to accept my sexuality and accept that my boyfriend was of mixed race. It was their choice to bully me and to make my life hell. It was a choice that cost them dear. A choice that would alienate me from my father and the rest of the family.

The question of my sexuality was not mentioned. The family closed ranks about the whole homosexuality issue and it was never openly discussed. It was not a secret by any means, but I was ostracised. I was never spoken to by the extended family. I was not welcome at family gatherings, evident by the lack of invitation and direct instructions to my mother never to bring me.

Our sexuality was, thankfully, not known at school. Only Eric and Rhys knew and they respected our privacy and both had our backs. We couldn't have more trustworthy friends.

Kaiden, however, was openly gay and teased Rhys mercilessly. Rhys took it all in good fun and other students were never sure if there was any truth in the rumour, but dare not say anything, fearing the wrath of the entire Rugby team that had taken Kaiden under its protective wing.

Keegan was never allowed round my house again. Dad put paid to that. Mum sometimes met him and Kaiden in town for a lunchtime meal with me. She never understood why Kaiden was always there. I'm sure she was thinking I was sleeping with them both...., and I never said anything to correct that.

Dad remained a bastard to me. Nothing physical, but he showed me no love and made it clear I was a disappointment to him. He resented me having any friends over. Eric was the only exception, for some reason. Dad even tried to control when and where I went after school and on weekends. Mum covered for me by saying I was with Eric, or staying over at Eric's and it worked. Eric was always in the loop and we managed to get away with it. When Eric visited one time with his girlfriend Tiffany, Dad seemed well pleased.

A leopard doesn't change its spots and soon Dad was starting to get up to his old tricks once again. We had to be more discreet and that was becoming difficult.

The question of our love life was also settled. It was regular and sometimes exhausting, but we kept it private from Kaiden and from John and Margaret. They gave us more opportunities than we realised to partake in sexual activity.

They were happy that we acted with discretion.

We had a right old time over the next 18 months.

My 18th Birthday party...., and Keegan getting down on one knee in the middle of a crowded restaurant and proposing to me....., put the cat amongst the pigeons......, and a new chapter was born for us.

One that was not what we planned....., or what we had hoped for.....

But that's another story.

Author's Note.

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. Luke has already written a sequel so you can continue to follow the story of Cameron, Keegan and Kaiden in 'Kisses of Fire' which is now completed and ready to be published shortly.

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