Chapter 6: Adam.

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Adam Eastwood & Gerald Doyle.

Cameron's POV.

The next morning I saw the twins enter one of the side gates at the far end of the playground. I noted the time on my phone. I had arrived at school earlier than I usually would have on purpose. It was so I could keep an eye out for their arrival. They had turned up just five minutes after I usually did. Good! I hoped it would mean that this could be their usual time of arrival each morning.

I had spent the night agonising over how to nonchalantly meet up with them today. I didn't want it to look blatantly obvious that I was interested in him.

I was. And I'm pretty sure he knew it too. Goddammit! I even had to relieve myself late last night because I was all het up over him. I kept seeing his smile everytime I closed my eyes. What with that and the vision of him doing up his shirt. Well! What else could I do? I just had to get rid of the rigid piece of me that was stopping me from sleeping.

I wanted to get to know him more before confessing my attraction to him. Yes, that's all it was so far. An attraction. I knew little about him. All I knew was that he had a major effect on me.

Being attracted to another boy was nothing new to me. Doing something about it was another matter.

Last year I had fallen for Adam Eastwood. A boy in my brother's year. A boy who had activated all my interest buttons to the extent that he had got my engine purring. When I heard a rumour that he swung my way, that was it! I began to look for him at each break and also out of school.

I even followed him home to see exactly where he lived. What sort of house he lived in.

I was besotted with him, but too frightened to approach him. I didn't want to be exposed as gay. Not until I had someone at least.

I found excuses to bump into him so I could ask if he had seen my brother. Just casual bumps that drew no attention, but where I could make eye contact, just so that he would notice me.

It wasn't long before he did and I was sure that he was interested, mainly by the looks he was starting to give me. There was a hesitancy there though, and it bugged me as to why. Was I so not his type? Was I not attractive enough?

It was at a party where I stood in the background watching him. Watching him interact with everyone. He was really popular. I was plucking up the courage to go and talk to him when I noticed that he kept looking over at someone I knew..... Gerald Doyle. He was a boy from our class that some of the other lads thought might be gay. All because he could be quite girly at times.

I didn't think he looked anything special. I wouldn't have said he was hot or anything like that. So why was my Adam looking at him? Surely Adam must have realised by now that I was interested? Maybe I hadn't made it clear enough. What more could I have done? Written him a note? Yeah right! Don't think so!

I was just plucking up the courage to be brave enough to go for it when any chance I had was blown straight out the window. Adam was now flirting with Gerald bigtime! Boy was I envious.

I watched, helpless and dead jealous, as the two of them coyly eyed each other up. I lost count of the sly, sweet smiles they secretly exchanged.

I saw Adam indicate with his eyes and a little nod of the head for Gerald to meet him upstairs. I watched as Gerald discreetly, or so he thought, followed him up a few minutes later.

I felt an ache deep within me, right in the pit of my stomach. The pang of envy prodded me. Prodded me hard. Bloody Hell Adam! You that desperate? How could you have chosen him over me.....? He's....., well...., minging compared to me!

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