Chapter 20: Fisticuffs.

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Kane Daniels.

There are some very unpleasant words in this chapter and we did think hard before using them. It is not the intention to upset or shock anyone. The confrontation described is accurately based on an actual event that did happen. It was witnessed by many people and the effect it had was quite profound. It created an unprecedented movement of anti racist bullying within the school it actually happened in by boys of all nationalities and ethnic diversities. For that reason we feel it right to include them in their crudest form.

Cameron's POV.

Of course I was aware of other boys behind me as I walked into the school grounds. What took me by surprise was the hard push in the back that had me stumbling, almost falling over.

It was Monday and the first day after the half term break. I had just had a really great week spending lots of time with Keegan and Kaiden. I was in a good mood and for once I was truly in a happy place, despite the unprovoked thumping I received on Friday night from Brandon when he returned home high on drugs and drink.

The actual push may have surprised me, but I knew who my attacker was.


"You were seen loads of times last week hanging out with the enemy." Kane stepped right up into my face. "Dad's gonna have words with your Dad about what you've been up to. Don't hold out much chances for you worming your way out of a thrashing ordered by him. How could you Cam? Cosying up to fucking Paki's like that?"

"Oh! Aren't you well informed! I think not!" I sarcastically replied. I knew I was in for a beating no matter what happened. At least I could justify it if I gave him some lip first. "For a start they are part English and part Thai, but besides that, who I chose to be friends with has fuck all to do with you."

Pain instantly consumed me as Kane hit me in the mouth. I didn't go to ground, as I usually did, and stayed on my feet. I could taste blood.

"Don't you dare get lippy with me or you'll......"

".....Or you'll what?" I was surprised to see Keegan push in front of me and square up to Kane and his mates.

"Piss off Rice Cracker! Unless you too want a fat lip." Kane warned.

"Please Keegan," I pleaded, trying to pull him away. "You don't know with who you are messing with. He has connections with some not very nice people...."

"So?" Keagan's already dark eyes deepened as he glowered menacingly at Kane, his eyes never leaving him as he answered me. His body had taken on an aggressive and threatening stance. "He has no idea with who he's messing with either. I too now have connections, and I'm betting they are far more influential than his. All I have to do is say he racially abused me and he won't know what's hit him."

"You fucking Chinky mixer pussy!" Kane bravely declared. "Mind your own fucking business and take that gay spazzer of a brother of yours with you. You need to keep your side of the bleedin' line."

I reeled at the abuse word, spazzer, for a disabled person said with such spite.

Crack! Crack!

Kane then hit the floor with a thud. Blood was pouring from his nose and he was screaming in pain. Keegan stood over him with his foot pushing against his throat.

Oh! Shit Keegan. What have you done that for? I had just witnessed how to deck the leader of a gang surrounded by his mates. Kane wasn't going to be too pleased about that.

Nor was my Uncle.

Keegan faced the gang. "Either you back away or I'll choke this mouthy bastard to death. It don't bother me none, one way or another. I've handled bigger girls than you!"

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