Chapter 14: Cautious.

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Kaiden's POV.

Keegan had handed me my sleeping tablet and my evening medication, but I hadn't taken them. I would normally fall asleep within ten minutes with Keegan cuddling me, but I sensed he was anxious to go back down stairs to Cameron.

I feigned falling asleep after five minutes and was pleased he didn't check on me too closely. He had gently released his grip on me and quietly left the room.

I had sat on the top step of the stairs listening to them talking. It had been hard to hear everything, but I heard the main things I needed to hear.

Cameron had played out our little plan very well. He was very convincing and, although Keegan had thought he had cottoned on at the end, it had still worked. Keegan had finally got off the fence and made his decision.

I knew in my heart that Cameron was right for him. Our talks at school had given me a good idea of just what sort of person he was like. He was refreshingly honest and would be the ideal partner for Keegan. He would be trustworthy and faithful. He would be an anchor that Keegan could hold on to. Keegan wasn't always the big brave boy he made out to be. There was a vulnerability about him, and that was the need to be loved. To be wanted by someone other than me. From what was said earlier it was now looking like all our hopes and dreams were now about to come true.

John catching them kissing had almost made me burst out giggling. I crawled back into my bedroom and took the tablets that Keegan had given me earlier and slipped back into bed.

I was pleased. Really pleased for them both. I knew in my heart that Keegan needed a permanent lover and not a random trick. But I had my fears as to where it would leave me. He had promised that it would always be us. He said he needed me and always would. Would he replace his need of me with Cameron?

I'm unlikely to get a boyfriend. What guy would want to take me on with all my baggage? Okay Cameron likes me, but he doesn't fancy me sexually, does he? It's my twin that looks like me that blew his socks off. If only I could meet an older Cameron. A Cameron with a bit more body hair and way less complicated. A Cameron with a personality like Keegan. A Cameron that would instantly want me.

Can't moan really though, can I? At least it might happen now we might be staying put. Right after the accident it was worse than being dead. Now I had my life, of sorts, back and was making progress with my movement and speech and at last was making friends. Maybe I will make even more friends soon?

All we had to deal with first was this bloody Children's Commission meeting on Tuesday before we could finally call this place home.

I had a feeling it was in the bag. Really I did. My intuitiveness was flying high and I was usually right, much to Keegan's chagrin. To me, everything was pointing in the right direction. It was just Keegan's practical and logical self causing him doubts. If I had any uncertainty I wouldn't have pushed him together with Cameron.

The trouble I have is in communicating this, like I have in communicating anything at all. Keegan doesn't always have the patience to listen to me where Cameron does. Keegan's always there for me, helping and assisting me. He talks to me, of course, and he does listen...., but he doesn't listen quite like Cameron does. That's why I've really got to like Cameron so much. With him I have a voice.

I hope he doesn't now take Keegan away from me. I couldn't bear that.

Cameron's POV.

Keegan was like a different boy since Saturday night. It was almost like what I had always wanted a boyfriend to be.

I say almost for a reason.

As it was half term and no school he asked me out on the Monday. We actually dated, but we were not alone. Kaiden was with us. We did nothing the whole day without him being involved. I realised this is how it would always be, and was what Keegan had been referring to.

It was something that I would have to get used to or give him up. And I wasn't a quitter.

I was fine with it up to a point. Exactly what or where that point was I didn't know as yet. It just helped that I liked Kaiden and now knew why he needed Keegan so much.

We went to the town centre shopping centre in the morning as it was not looking as bright and sunny as it had been over the weekend. We all laughed and joked as we hung around, just looking at different things. Keegan paid more attention to Kaiden than he did to me. Watching out for him and making sure he didn't stumble or fall on any uneven surfaces, or being knocked by people that walked right at him and expected him to move. Ignorant fuckers! Keegan protected him well though, and kept his cool.

The sun had come out by the afternoon and had become un-seasonally warm again. We were having what everyone was calling an Indian Summer. Don't know what they meant by that, but I was just enjoying it anyway. It would be crazy not to.

We headed for the seafront and had a game of crazy golf by the amusement park. We hit the arcades next and played air hockey. Keegan bought us ice creams and then I bought us later a bagful of freshly made doughnuts from a kiosk on the promenade. All in all it was a great day. But there was a but!

There was no secret touching between us though, like I thought there might be. Okay! He smiled at me and asked me if I was alright and that. He talked to me often and asked my opinion on things. We were talking more than we ever had at school, but I didn't feel like I was his boyfriend. I didn't feel special. I felt like just a friend.

I didn't want to hold hands or have him drape his arm over me like some couples did, staking their claim, but I just wanted something more than what he was not offering.

You know I am a hopeless romantic. I've told you often enough. I wanted a sly touch. A sweet look or a daringly blown kiss. Just something extra. Something just for me when no one else was around or could see us doing it. There were loads of opportunities when he could have done something, but he didn't take them.

I thought that maybe tomorrow was playing on his mind. Causing him to hold back, you know, being cautious with his affection for me. Maybe he still needed that confirmation that they were staying after all. Tomorrow was a make or break day for them both and now, I realised, it was a make or break day for me too.

We walked back up through the town centre to the bus station. I was beginning to resign myself to anything special between us happening when he touched my arm. He said something that gave me hope and calmed my fears.

"Tomorrow Cameron. Would you come with us? You probably won't be allowed to sit in on the meeting, but I want you close by. I want you there when we come out. Will you come?"

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