Chapter 19: Freyja's Pleasure

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While looking at the woman, or I should say monster, on the ground kneeling after receiving my punch, to my surprise, it didn't take long before she stood back up onto her two feet; granted, I had held back a decent amount of strength; otherwise my fist would've pierced right through her stomach. However, it was still slightly surprising for her to almost brush off an attack that would've previously killed her many times over.

'I suppose the devil fruits are deserving of their legendary status.' Thought Diddy while looking at the woman transform back to her gorgeous human form.

"Tell me, women, now that you've garnered my respect, what's your name?" Asked Diddy commandingly while the woman covered herself with a sheet, though it didn't do much to hide her impressive curves.

"My name or previous name was Voyage Kaitlyn; however, she died two years ago." Replied the woman with venom while glancing at Diddy, who smirked in response.

"However, over the past few days, I've been born anew, and rightfully I deserve a name to cement my second life." Added the woman as she looked down and closed her eyes while tightly clenching her fist with enough force to snap a human's spine.

Looking at her, I could tell she was deeply contemplating her new name; however, with how long it took, my desire to know her name began to wane; luckily, she spoke before I decided to leave the room.

"Freyja, that'll be my new name; Freyja. It's from an old epic my father used to read to me as a child; it was a name bestowed upon a woman by a god, and it means love, death, and beauty." Declared the woman, or I should say Freyja, as she unflinchingly looked at Diddy.

"Ok then, Freyja; quickly get dressed and meet me at the gym; I'm curious to see how much your physical capabilities have improved." Stated Diddy with a chuckle as he turned around and exited the room, leaving Freyja alone.



Sensing Freyja approaching my location, I glanced at her, and although she was wearing her regular clothes, which consisted of a button-down jacket and a long skirt, she still looked amazing, though because of how much her body had changed, the clothes were too small and were tightly hugging her body, especially her jacket as the buttons looked to be holding on for dear life.

"Tch took you long enough; anyways, now that you're finally here, let's get started." Said Diddy while hanging upside down by his feet before dropping to the ground before Freyja.

"What do you want me to do?" Asked Freyja with her heavenly voice while following Diddy as he approached a large barbell that was hanging from a crane.

"Simple, all you must do is hold as much weight as possible before collapsing." Replied Diddy as he picked up two massive weights and slid it onto the barbell.

Once the barbell was loaded with roughly three thousand pounds, I grabbed the remote that was connected to the crane, and once Freyja was underneath, without any warning, I pressed the button, causing the crane to release the weights onto her back, nearly causing her to collapse from the sudden drop of weight.

"Ugh, What the fuck!" Spat Freyja in anger and surprise while holding the weight on her back.

"Hehehe, it seems like consuming that devil fruit gave you a great deal of courage for you to speak to me like that; let's change that." Remarked Diddy with a sadistic smirk as he very quickly slid more weight onto the barbell, doubling the weight.

"S-Stop, I-It's too much!" Yelled Freyja as she struggled to hold the weight, now roughly six-thousand pounds.

Although I could tell she was reaching her limit, I had no intention of stopping; besides, that's only her limit when in her normal form; she's vastly stronger when she's in that monster form. Ignoring her pleas for help, I once again added more weight, causing it to increase by fifty percent, and that seemed to have pushed her over the edge as her body started trembling while her face was full-on red from exertion; however, just when it looked like she was about to collapse, she started transforming.

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