Chapter 165: Heaven's Gate & Old Lady

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At my blatant lie, the knight riding the weird-looking pink pegasus nodded before warily flying over to the Straw hats, causing me to smirk as I glanced back at my crew, who were blankly staring at me.

"What? I didn't feel like dealing with him." Said Diddy defensively as he eyed his crew while they all either sighed, shook their heads, or rolled their eyes.

"Whatever, you three, lower the sails; Fryeja, since we're up in the clouds, that eternal pose should be working now; sail us to Angel Island." Added Diddy with a smirk as he eyed Trenza, Grand, and Scar, who saluted before glancing at Feyja, who was already walking back to the helm.

"What do you think I've been doing? We only stopped because someone wanted to fight." Remarked Freyja lightly as he turned and eyed Diddy, who scoffed and folded his arms.

"Don't try to blame this on me; he attacked first. I was peacefully minding my own business while thinking of drowning one of you guys, and now that you've brought it up, you're going to be my first victim." Stated Diddy, glaring at Freyja, who rolled her eyes and ignored him as she sat down at the helm.

With half of the crew being put to work, I glanced at Mael and Sebas, giving them their duties next.

"Sebas, go inspect the hull; make sure we've got no holes or damages, and if we do, try to repair it. Mael, I don't know, do something productive." Said Diddy as he pointed at Sebas, prompting him to nod and head downstairs before glancing at Mael, who just stood there doing nothing while Diddy followed Sebas to the lower deck.

Now that my crew was given orders, I headed to the kitchen to fix my teeth as they, unfortunately, don't instantly grow again like a Fishman's. It takes a little bit of time, but otherwise, it's still decently fast; I just need the required nutrients, which I believe is calcium, the same mineral in bones. How would I know this? Building muscle doesn't only require you to have knowledge about muscles after all; while that's where I specialize, I still have a basic grasp of the human anatomy.

'I would prefer a basic understanding of the Mink anatomy, but oh well.' Thought Diddy as he opened the cabinet, grabbing numerous bones stored in a box, only to open it and consume them, causing a loud crunching noise to resound throughout the ship.

Once I finished all the bones, I put the box back in the cabinet and looked at my reflection on the water in the sink.

'Heh, it's already growing; you can see the tips.' Mused Diddy as he opened his mouth, the tip of his fang already poking out from his gums along with a few other teeth.

Now that my teeth were fine, I grabbed my nose before realigning it and blowing out some previously stuck blood.

"Ahh, that feels better; I can actually breathe from my nose now. Now I just have to let this stupid bump and my cracked skull heal; given I'd just eaten a bunch of bones, the skull will be healed quiver than usual, and as for the bump, that'll probably take a little bit longer." Muttered Diddy as he looked at himself in the red-tinted water through his one working eye before draining the sink and walking away.

Exiting from the lower deck, I noticed the sails were already lowered, yet there wasn't much wind, a light gust at most, though that was fine for me, more time for my body to heal itself; that attack I took from that impact dial was no joke, I really shouldn't have underestimated myself.

"Heh, I wonder if it could've replicated a haki-infused attack? That really would've hurt. Speaking of this, I should go and retrieve that impact dial." Remarked Diddy quietly while walking past Trenza and Scar before stopping and glancing at where Wyper's body floated in the sea.

When I looked at Wyper, instead of seeing him floating atop the sea of clouds, he was nowhere to be found; I at first thought my theory of someone sinking through the clouds was true, but when I glanced at the knight, I noticed he was carrying Wyper's corpse, causing me to frown before eventually shrugging my arms and ignoring it.

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