Chapter 80: Diddy & Lindbergh; Round Two

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"Any information on Lindbergh and Chaos Kong?" Asked Mini with folded arms as he overlooked the battle happening in the valley.

"Yes, shortly before Weapon City #3 was destroyed, they had searched through the forest and ended up finding a large part of it destroyed along with a bo-staff of similar description to the one Chaos Kong uses deeply embedded into the ground." Replied Crank respectfully while standing slightly behind Mini as he also overlooked the battle.

"Seems like Chaos Kong and Lindbergh fought each other, and Lindbergh unsurprisingly won; Chaos Kong may be a rather strong pirate, but without the use of Haki, he stood no chance." Remarked Mini as he shifted his focus from the battle to the cliff on the other side where the revolutionary Army resides.

"What about the bo-staff? Did they manage to retrieve it? I'm not that knowledgeable about weapons, but that bo-staff gave me a dangerous feeling." Added Mini with furrowed brows as he recalled his battle with Diddy.

"No, they didn't; they said it was too deeply embedded into the ground to move." Said Crank awkwardly, to which Mini's expression constantly twitched in annoyance.

"Useless! Tch, whatever, forget about it, I'll send someone to get it later. Anyways, any information on how Weapon City #3 burned down?" Stated Mini with an annoyed frown as he clicked his tongue before changing the topic.

"The crew I sent to investigate haven't reported anything as of yet, but if I may add my own personal thoughts into the matter, I do not think the Revolutionary Army had anything to do with this; they may oppose us, but I've never heard of a scenario where they have harmed civilians. Such an act sounds more like something pirates would do rather than the Revolutionary Army." Declared Crank solemnly while Mini silently listened.

"You're not wrong; I'd be more inclined to believe the Marines did such a thing before the Revolutionary Army; however, if they didn't do it, who did? The remaining Frenzy pirates to get revenge on the death of their Captain? If it weren't for the fact that the Vice-captain, who is the only one known to be able to use fire, of the Frenzy pirates seemingly wishes for the Captain's death, I'd believe such a thing." Remarked Mini with furrowed brows while looking down at the battle, consisting of yelling, explosions, death, and gunfire every few seconds.

"Besides, even if it's not the Revolutionary Army, we can always just blame it on t-" Added Mini calmly, though he was forced to stop as he noticed a small chunk of the men fighting the war suddenly stopped, and as the seconds passed, the number only served to increase.

"W-What's going on? Why are both armies stopping?" Questioned Crank in confusion while looking at the two armies, half of which were motionlessly standing there.

"Why are they looking up at the s-" Muttered Mini in confusion as he and Crank looked up at the sky, only to furrow their brows, seemingly spotting a woman of unimaginable beauty floating downwards.

"I only know of two women whose beauty can bring a halt to a war, pirate Empress Boa Hancock and the most beautiful woman alive, Freyja of the Frenzy Pirates." Said Mini with a frown, and even from such a distance, he could feel an abnormal amount of lust emerge within his body, though he was able to suppress it without too much difficulty; however, the same couldn't be said for Crank.

"My Goodness, what an angel, and to think I thought Pirate Empress Boa Hancock was beautiful." Remarked Crank with lovestruck eyes filled with lust as he viewed Freyja's angelic figure descending from the sky, sounding rather ironic.

"Ugh, I've got a bad feeling about this." Muttered Mini with an ugly expression as he smacked Crank, snapping him out of the lustful state, though only for a few seconds.

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