Chapter 69: Escaped Prey

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Slicing down at the weapon with my sharp nails, seeing as Lindbergh was also able to use this mysterious power, I realized I was most likely not going to be able to break the weapon, since while fighting against Mini, I've learned not only does that mysterious power enhance your strength, it also seems to improve your defense as well.

However, while I figured I wasn't going to break it, I thought I would at least damage the weapon, even if lightly; but the instant my nails collided with his gun, which had taken on a black hue after being coated with that mysterious power, to my utter surprise, I didn't even manage to leave behind scratches, let alone actually damage it.

"What's the deal!? Why are you attacking me? I was merely trying to help!" Exclaimed Lindbergh in irritation with an ugly expression while using his haki-infused weapon to block Diddy's attack before forcefully flinging him away.

"Tch, I don't need nor do I want your help; interfere with my fight again, and I'll kill you after I kill Mini!" Replied Diddy angrily as he hovered in the air a few meters away from Lindbergh while baring his fangs as he growled at him.

"I could tell you didn't need any help, but aren't you a pirate? Don't you hate the Marines? If we work together, we could kill him. It's not every day the Marines lose someone powerful like a vice-admiral." Replied Lindbergh with a frown as the black hue on his weapon receded while he eyed Diddy.

"Who said I hate the Marines? Do you think I hate the Marines just because I'm a pirate? In fact, it doesn't matter whether I hate the Marines; that was my fight, and one thing I hate the most is someone interfering with my battles. I don't care if I die in battle, but if someone interferes, I'll come back from the grave to kill them." Stated Diddy solemnly while staring at Lindbergh, or more specifically, his weapon, which had returned to normal.

"Ok, so you don't hate the Marines, whatever, but you must hate the WG; after all, you attacked a Kingdom affiliated with them and burned their flag! The Marines are their subordinates; killing powerful Marine officers will indirectly harm the WG, and since you hate the WG, I'm the last person you should be fighting! I'm a member of the Revolutionary Army!" Declared Lindbergh so passionately that he accidentally revealed his identity; then again, it's not like it was a secret or anything.

Squinting my eyes at his remark, I looked at him as I finally remembered who he was.

"Revolutionary Army; you're Lindberg, one the Revolutionary Army Commanders if I'm not mistaken." Remarked Diddy in intrigue while remembering something Freyja said a few years ago when they were still on Karate Island.

"Yes, that's me, Commander Lindbergh of the South; now that I have your interest, let's get down to why I even bothered to help a pirate out since it's usually the opposite, though you know what they say, the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Declared Lindbergh as he regained his composure after his little slip-up, though his words did mildly interest Diddy.

Knowing that he was someone important in the Revolutionary Army did intrigue me, though I was still more interested in continuing my fight; however, when I glanced at Mini, or at least where he was supposed to be, I spotted no one, just an empty night sky.

'Did that cowardly bastard flee while we were talking!?' Thought Diddy as his tail violently swayed through the air, displaying his intense anger.

To say I was angry would be an understatement; I don't think I've ever allowed someone whom I've set my sights on to escape my grasp. Not only was it humiliating, it was a stain on my record, one that would not remain, as I intended to hunt that man down to the ends of this earth if so need be. I calmed myself down since it's always smarter to think with a cool head, though as I looked at Lindbergh, it became rather difficult to keep calm since it was his fault Mini even managed to escape in the first place.

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