Chapter 109: Sun's Angel

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"Slaves." Muttered Trenza quietly as she looked at Kane while Scar and Grand fought against powerful opponents to her side.

Slaves; it's not a term I'm fond of hearing, and Kane didn't need to elaborate when speaking about who they became slaves to, as I could already imagine it was the World Government, more accurately, the celestial dragons. I've had the opportunity to lay eyes upon celestial dragons on the few times they've visited Briss Kingdom, and not once have I ever gotten a good feeling about them as they walked through the streets with malnourished and beaten slaves while treating everyone else like inferior beings.

However, while I feel that way, Father has warned us to always stay out of their sight and avoid confronting them, and so I did, along with Scar and Grand.

'Heh, though with our Captain, we won't be able to do that, not to mention he's probably already on their radar.' Mused Trenza with a wry smile as she shook her head and gently placed her hand atop Kane's shoulder, comforting him.

"Haa, I feel sorry for what you've been through, Kane, though if you don't mind me asking, how did you escape? From my knowledge, the World Government doesn't take kindly to escaped slaves." Asked Trenza gently with a soft smile, her friendly aura calming Kane.

"S-Shortly after leaving Jetuka island, once my fellow people and I were detained at the bottom of the ship, there was a mighty storm, and along with that mighty storm came our savoir." Replied Kane somewhat calmly as he looked up toward the ceiling while raising his hand.

"Savoir? That's not what I was expecting; who's actually bold enough to attack a ship belonging to the World Government?" Questioned Trenza in surprise as she looked at Kane, not even realizing how ironic she sounded.

"Yes, our Savoir, in our darkest hour, while all other gods ignored our pleas for help, he answered our calls, Nikka, the Sun God! With but a single one of his soldiers, he destroyed our ship and set us free!" Stated Kane with fervor while practically yelling, though his statement confused Trenza.

"Nikka, The Sun God? I've heard and read about a few gods, but I've never heard about him." Remarked Trenza with a raised eyebrow as she also looked to the ceiling, seemingly trying to locate this supposed Sun God.

"One of the older slaves had told me about him, saying that one day, Nikka the Sun Goa shall appear and free us; he was not lying, as not even two hours later, the Sun's Angel appeared and set us free." Declared Kane happily as he dropped to his knees and bowed while Trenza just calmly watched everything.

"Eh, that's cool and all, but who is this Sun's Angel? Is he the one who freed you?" Asked Trenza as she reached down and attempted to lift him, though it proved futile, his body refusing to budge.

"Yes, and I was lucky enough to witness his majestic appearance; he towered over your average man and sported four large, white, feathered wings while wielding a large golden axe. Unfortunately, the Sun's Angel shone far too brightly that my mortal eyes could only view him for but a split second; any longer, and I would've turned blind." Replied Kane with a fanatical grin while tears streamed down his face, unnerving Trenza a little.

"So, what-" Said Trenza, though she was cut off by Kane, who continued speaking.

"The Sun's Angel freed us with but a single slash of his mighty axe, creating a large arc of flames that melted anything it touched in mere seconds; not even the seawater was spared, boiling without even touching his body!" Added Kane, trembling in zeal as he thought about the might of the Sun's Angel.

'Hmm, it sounds more like a devil fruit ability than an actual angel; anyways, I'll tell Captain about it when we meet. I'm sure he'll be interested in someone who dares to attack a ship belonging to the World Government.' Mused Trenza as she looked at Kane before turning around and watching her Brothers fight, only for the arena to tremble slightly.

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