Chapter 131: Frenzy Pirates Attack!

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Seeing the vice-admiral, known as Dalmatian, walk down that hall, I furrowed my brows, and while I was tempted to follow him some more, he had pretty good instincts, and I didn't wish to unnecessarily risk being discovered; I was lucky enough there was a beam that I could hide behind, I doubted I'd be so lucky again.

'Besides, now that I've laid eyes on him, I've gotten an idea of how strong he is; he's powerful, but not the strongest one on this ship. My instincts warn me of someone slightly stronger than him on this ship.' Mused Diddy with a smirk as he leaped back to the ceiling and crawled down the hall, though he took a left instead of following Dalmatian, who went right.

It's been a little over an hour since I first climbed aboard this ship, and so far, I've found two of the supposed three communication rooms; this last one is doing a pretty good job of eluding my senses. I've been trying to discover the scent of a transponder snail in hopes that it'll lead me to the last room, but considering the two people who operate the communication room don't ever leave, it's not feasible.

Especially since a little while ago, I started to smell that amazing scent emitting from those man-eating islands; they're making it slightly more challenging to follow scent trails. I also haven't come across either Saint Xalrons or any CP agents; I'm not surprised I haven't found the celestial dragon since he supposedly never leaves his room, which is at the top of the ship, above the deck, a place I'm not going unless I wish to get caught. And the CP agents, I don't even know what they look like, so I might've passed them without even realizing it; I've only been paying attention to people's strength, so if I missed them, that probably just means they aren't a threat.

'Captain, how's the progress?' Asked Sebas, flying low to the ocean, following the ship from behind while carrying Grand, Scar, and Trenza; Mael and Freyja used their wings to fly.

'Decent, but not as good as I'd like; I can't find the last communication room.' Replied Diddy with a slight frown as he silently entered a room that two agents were guarding, though they were clearly doing a poor job at it.

Looking around and smelling the air, I found shelves full of bags of rice, food crates, and the scent of salt; seeing as I was in the pantry, I had half a mind to poison everything. However, I wasn't a fan of fighting like that; I wanted to win using my own strength; besides, I didn't have any poison on me anyway, so the idea wasn't even applicable.

Opening the door, I pointed my finger at a wall in the distance and fired a weak shigan, which distracted the two agents guarding the door, allowing me to exit and leap back to the ceiling.

'What about you guys, Sebas? You guys in position.' Asked Diddy while continuing his search for the last communication room.

'Not yet; we are following behind the ship at a distance; we won't get into position until you've found all the communication rooms.' Replied Sebas with a shake of his head while the five trailed about a kilometer behind the ship.

Grumbling, I spent a few more minutes searching the ship, specifically in spots that would be very protected, and just when I thought the last room might be above the deck, I finally found it. Approaching the room, I waited until no agents were in the vicinity before silently dropping from the ceiling and nearing the door; looking in through the small window on the reinforced door, I saw two people sitting in a chair while talking, but beyond that, I saw about six sleeping transponder snails, each with a different appearance.

Doing the same as I did with the other two communication rooms, I stuck my nail into the keyhole and wiggled it around before unlocking the door; breaking the lock mechanism so it wouldn't used again, I swiftly jumped back to the ceiling, just in time as agents turned the corner and walked down the hall.

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