Chapter 132: Frenzy Pirates On The Move

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After Sebas, Freyja, and Mael showed themselves, the nine of us entered a stare-down, and not a single one of us moved; though it wasn't going to stay that way for long, unlike the Marines, we were kind of on a timer.

"Things have gotten a little more complicated now." Said Cancer with a slight frown as he gazed at Mael, Sebas, and Freyja before his eyes eventually settled on Diddy, who was fiercely glaring at him.

"There is nothing complicated about this; we'll kill them and get on with our day." Said the man with scars as his expression hardly changed while eyeing the Frenzy the Frenzy pirates.

"Slow down, Doberman, don't forget, we're protecting Saint Xalrons; this isn't just as simple as killing or capturing them." Remarked Gion with a complicated expression as she glanced behind her, eyeing the room Saint Xalrons inhabited.

"We need to make sure no harm comes to Saint Xalrons whatsoever. Besides, we don't know their objective; there aren't many pirates who would dare attack a Celestial Dragon ship, and those who would are most likely targeting the Celestial Dragon in question." Stated the ordinary-looking man with a pondering expression while looking at Diddy, who grinned at his words.

"Then our goal doesn't change, Hosen; we need to dispatch them before they can cause any harm to Saint Xalrons." Declared Dalmatian with a hardened gaze while eyeing Freyja as parts of his body transformed into that of a dog.

"Well, you heard the man; let's quickly take care of these pirates." Said Cancer calmly with a slight smirk as he removed his glasses, eyeing Diddy with his one working eye.

"I'll settle things quickly." Said Doberman aggressively while tightly clutching his sword and glaring at Mael.

"Be careful; they must have the confidence to attack this ship." Remarked Gion seriously as she clutched her sword's hilt and stared down Sebas.

"While you four are fighting, I'll protect Saint Xalrons." Stated Hosen with a nod as he turned around and prepared to leave, only to instantly tilt his head to the side.

Seeing Hosen turn around and try to leave, I grinned, and using soru, I lunged toward him, though while doing so, Cancer managed to react and sliced his sword right at me; contorting my body, I barely evaded his sword. Continuing toward Hosen, I swiped my nails right where his head was, yet despite not looking, he managed to dodge, though just barely, as I still left behind a cut on his cheek.

"Hehe, where do you think you're going? Didn't you hear me? I'm taking both of you on." Stated Diddy with a feral grin as he landed on the side of the wall while eyeing both Hosen and Cancer.

"Well, I'm not against a 2 vs 1; what about you, Hosen?" Asked Cancer as he turned around and approached Hosen while eyeing Diddy.

"I'd prefer to protect Saint Xalrons, but it doesn't seem like I have much of an option; though Mini wasn't kidding about that report, even with observation haki, I barely reacted in time." Replied Hosen with a frown as he touched his wounded cheek before cleaning the blood off his hands and glaring at Diddy.

"Yeah, I can already tell this will be a somewhat challenging fight, even with the two of us." Remarked Cancer as he suddenly brought his sword forward, protecting him from Diddy, who had lunged right at him.

"Hehe, don't tell me you're scared; there is no fun in fighting a coward." Said Diddy as he looked up at Cancer before pushing off his sword, evading a downward swipe from Hosen, who was to his right.

"No, not scared, just pointing out facts." Replied Cancer calmly as he lunged forward alongside Hosen, the three engaging in a fight while slowly moving away from the front of the ship.

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