Chapter 184: Returning to Paradise

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"So Captain, do tell; how do you expect us to return to Paradise?" Asked Freyja sarcastically as she steered the ship while sailing across the sea clouds, heading in a random direction with nothing in sight except for the clear sky and the seemingly endless expanse of white.

"Why don't you use your brain a little, Freyja? We're sailing on a cloud, and clouds aren't infinite; they have an end somewhere, so all we must do is find that end and then fall back down to Paradise. It's so simple even a child could figure it out, but I supposed that head of yours is filled with nothing but sex." Replied Diddy, hanging upside down on the mast from his tail while crossing his arms as he glanced at Freyja, who scoffed in annoyance.

"Tsk, yeah, a baby monkey maybe; I highly doubt a human child is that stupid." Said Freyja with a click of her tongue as she glanced at Diddy, who smirked, though since he was upside down, it looked like a frown.

"Heh, a Human's stupidity knows no bounds; isn't that right, Sebas." Remarked Diddy with a smirk as he looked at Freyja before glancing at Sebas, who sat calmly in the corner while sorting through various dials.

"Hoho, I wish I could refute your claim, but alas, far too many times have I seen someone do something and think it's impossible to do something stupider, only for someone to come and prove me wrong." Stated Sebas with a chuckle and a wry expression as he shook his head before focusing back on the dials, causing Freyja to grumble angrily while Diddy grinned in triumph.

"Hehe, now that I think about it, you're the definition of a human, Freyja. Lustful and stupid, that pretty much summarizes humans; after all, you couldn't even go a single day without speaking about sex." Declared Diddy mockingly with a grin as he looked at Freyja, who glared back while reddish flames escaped from her mouth.

"Another word and I'll capsize this fucking ship." Stated Freyja angrily as she eyed Diddy, who simply laughed in response, though to her surprise, he did restrain himself.

Chuckling to myself, I ignored Freyja; now that we were on our way to return to Paradise, I didn't need to antagonize her right now since she wouldn't hesitate to stab me in the back if we happened to encounter some marines.

'Heh, well, she'll still backstab me, but at least she'll hesitate and think whether it's worth it or not, which will give me valuable time.' Mused Diddy with a smirk as he latched onto the mast and climbed up towards the crow's nest, only to find Trenza curled in a ball, sleeping.

Seeing Trenza peacefully sleeping, I don't know why, but I couldn't help but stare at her for several minutes; it was weird since while I looked at her, I felt calm and peaceful; I had even dropped my guard slightly, though, when I finally snapped out of my daze, the calmness and peace vanished while I upped my guard once more.

'Hmm, weird.' Mused Diddy with a slight frown as he tilted his head in confusion while looking at Trenza before shaking his head and continuing toward the peak of the mast.

Ignoring whatever happened with Trenza, I stood on the top of the mast and looked out at sea, hoping to find some sort of end, though all I saw was the endless white sea of clouds in all directions.

'This must end, eventually, right?' Thought Diddy skeptically as he observed his surroundings before sitting down, resting Naga-sa on his lap while Nimbus emerged from his body, floating beside him.

Well, my theory was correct; the sea of clouds did eventually end, but that was only after several more hours of sailing, which I had spent mostly training with Naga-sa and Nimbus.

Feeling a strong gust of wind, I glanced upwards, only to see the familiar bright blue ocean in the distance; granted, it was several kilometers away, but still, we had finally found a way to escape. Grinning, I stood up, holstering Naga-sa and absorbing Nimbus as I latched my feet onto the master since we were about to sail off the edge of the sea of clouds.

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