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What is it like when a bored yet malicious soul finds something new to feed on?


A powerful one could have the vision of conquering something.

It could either be a kingdom to rule on.

A thing to add to their possessions.

Or a person to prey on.

A single blow against them either had them rattling down on the floor or prowling for their enemies with intensity and madness that was never seen in them before.

Is it the pride that was hurt?

Or just revenge?

Nonetheless, once the enemies are under the claws, life becomes pretty boring and one becomes aimless.

A beast dying to hunt comes across a wounded butterfly, one blow from him and it'd be nothing. Yet it flutters away with those broken wings and is so hard to hold onto. 

A new adventure for him.

A disaster for her..

Raking a hand through his long dark silver hair, he gazed at her with his orbs that resembled the moon yet they weren't gentle or generous enough to shine upon you. Eyes of a predator gazing at its prey, prey of someone as disastrous as him.

He kept swirling the wine glass in his hand, his eyes moved with her every action of greeting.

That gentle smile that kissed her features.

The soft, silky, and white fabric that kissed her dainty figure.

Her eyes shined due to happiness but were unable to hide that fear that resides in them at the same time.

She was unable to hide the love and respect that she had for that man beside her. 

The one she was standing so close to.

The one who now owned her.


She was his from the moment he set his eyes on her, no matter if she was in a wedding dress, no matter if she was happy with the one beside her.

Because only he could hold onto her.

Break her or fix her.

All onto his mercy.


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