Chapter 18

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"Found ya." He rasped, taking her breath away. Sasha shrieked in horror and started to move back but soon a groan left her lips when she stepped on the rock with the foot that was already sprained and harshly fell down on her butt.

A painful yelp left her lips.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, why must you injure my property like this?" He asked casually with his sturdy arms crossed over his sturdy chest. Sasha passed him a tearful glare and tried to get up to run away again but what he said next had her freezing on her spot.

"If you want your punishment to be the third option then you can run again." He said sternly and her pupils dilated. Then what was the option he caught her on?

"Oh, it's the second one...fucking you." He said, stressing on the last two words in a rough voice and her heart leaped to her mouth. This was going to happen anyway. He was just going to do what he wanted. 

Everything that he was doing was his own sadistic desire.

Sasha shook her head at him and abruptly stood up, without caring about the harsh pain in her ankle she ran out of that forest area and began to run on the clear path in the middle towards the gates while screaming breathlessly for help. She was getting tired but she just wouldn't reach the gates. The gates seemed so out of reach.

Why couldn't she reach it?

They walked into the castle from this pathway and it was only half she ran up till now to reach the gate. Maybe, if she went out of the castle, he would lose track of her and that was why she just couldn't reach the gates.

She turned to look back at the castle but what she saw next had a cry leaving her lips instead of the word 'help'. He was prowling towards her in the middle of the pathway. A little smirk plastered on his lips as he continued to approach her like a predator while she ran for her life.

A cry left Sasha's lips as she turned back in front and fastened her pace while praying to god to save her. She ran and ran to the point her feet gave up on her and she fell down on the pathway, huffing and puffing, struggling to breathe properly as she stared at the gates with teary eyes.

Were the nights ever this long?

She dreaded to look back but she did, slowly and hesitantly. With her trembling hands, she wiped her forehead and looked around with a little frown on her face, he was nowhere. Where did he go? She cleared her dried throat and turned her face back in front looking at the ground in a daze because she was tired but what she saw in front of her eyes, had her heartbeat pausing and her blood going cold.

Two black shiny boots were right in front of her eyes.

Her wide eyes snapped up and met his amused ones. He was crouching down right in front of her, flexing his dimples with that devilish smirk that was settled down permanently on his features. A gasp left Sasha's lips and she began to scoot back.

He stood up to his mighty height with a 'tsk' sound leaving his lips.

"Fuck, you did great." He complimented her desperation.

"Are you a child? Look, what you did to yourself." He rasped and Sasha's jaw twitched at his sheer audacity. As if he wasn't the one who did this to her. She turned around and stood up but before she could take a step further, he was right behind her.

"Stop running, you are pissing me off, trust me you wouldn't like to see that side." He whispered in her ear and before she could say something. He put his right hand on her mouth, muffling her words. "Quiet down," He gruffed out as he wrapped his left arm around her waist, making sure her arms were also caged in his hold as he picked her up and started to walk.

Sasha began to thrash wildly. 

Her horrified eyes looked around to spot a single soul but there was none. She was on the verge of losing herself into insanity. She couldn't free her arms, she felt like she was caged.

The suffocation due to his hand on her mouth had her the worst because she was already breathless.

"Close your eyes, darling. I don't want you going blind so soon." He whispered in her ear and just as he said this, he took a step back and Sasha immediately understood that he was about to use his powers. She instantly shut her eyes and what she felt next was hell.

He finally slowed down and began to walk. 

She felt nauseous.


Out of breath.

Vision went blank for a while even though she closed her eyes to avoid this from happening.

Sasha heard the door opening and closing and that was when she instantly went on high alert. She snapped her eyes open and began to look around while struggling.

It was a master-size luxurious room.

He brought her to his room.

He really does what he says...

She was terrified out of her wits.

The room had a dark aura.

It had a black and red surrounding.

The bedsheet was red, the huge round bed was black. The curtains were looked suffocating but matched his personality. Sasha's eyes widened when he threw her on the bed, messing up her system even more as she was on the verge of losing her memories but for the better.

A painful frown was kissing her features as her eyes were shut close.

"Resembles a kitten." He whispered to himself while looking at her face.

That face...that personality of hers was the cause of her misery.

It made him remember things, he refused to forget anyway.

Though those memories were vivid, but they were also as clear as ever in front of his eyes, in her form.

Sasha immediately got on her elbows and looked at him. She found him blankly staring at her and that stare wasn't helping her condition at all.

But all of a sudden that blank stare was wiped off of his face as the side of his lips curved up in a smirk.

"Now, shall we... begin?"

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