Chapter 3

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"You are strong." The old granny declared while caressing Sasha's arm.

Sasha took a deep breath and shook her head.

"When it comes to him, I'm not." She said and turned back to look out of the window that was behind the sofa. She put her arm on the headrest of the sofa and then her chin on her arm.

"He terrifies me." She whispered to herself, the old granny was unable to hear her words but she heard the girl muttering to herself. Before she could ask what the young princess was saying, the doors of her room were knocked on twice before the doors were opened by the royal guards.

The old granny immediately stood up from the sofa when the surroundings were invaded by the presence of the king. A tall man with black short hair that was a little ruffled stepped into the room. He was modeling in a long black coat with golden lining on the lapel, long black shoes, and inside he was wearing a black suit. Shoulders broad, long legs, a face that had a heroic handsomeness settled on its gentle features.

He was Jasper, the king of the Logon kingdom and Sasha's soon-to-be husband.

"Your Highness." The old granny bowed at him and stepped aside. Sasha, who was busy looking out of the window, immediately stood up on her feet and looked at Jasper, rather surprised to find him here because he rarely comes around here.

"Your Highness," Sasha slightly nodded at him and he frowned, walking up to her, he abruptly grabbed her shoulders almost making her flinch. "You look sick, are you okay?" He asked.

Her eyes lashed towards the old granny before settling back on Jasper. "I'm better than ever. I was thinking about the wedding and that's why I couldn't sleep the whole night. M-Maybe, that's why." She lied and he smiled at her, cupping her cheeks, he squeezed them.

"Of course, why wouldn't you be happy? After all, you're marrying me." He said and she passed him a tight-lipped smile.

"And I'm happy too, to have you as my wife and as the queen of this kingdom." He said. Sasha kept quiet and waited for him to say something further.

She was never very talkative with him.

She was once too talkative and nice with a certain someone and now she was nothing but a trampled and pitiful princess. She thought Jasper would fix her...but he just couldn't.

He moved back and turned towards the door.

"There is a guest I want you to meet." He said and gestured to the guard standing near the door. After a few seconds someone stepped in and both granny and Sasha were left speechless.

It was a woman.

A beautiful blonde woman with big doe-like eyes walked in. She had big blue orbs and freckles were resting on her nose and cheeks. She was extremely pale and was tall and thin with perfect curves.

Sasha was awestruck by her beauty but at the same time, her insecurity doubled.

She didn't stand against her beauty at all.

No wonder, why people thought of her as average. They must have seen beauty like these. Though Sasha never felt average or this insecure before but ever since she became his fiance, these things have started to claw her inside.

"This is Princess Fiona of the Kastron Kingdom, Younger sister of King Ragnar." He introduced her and Sasha's eyes almost went wide.

Kastron kingdom was one of the biggest kingdoms with one of the strongest lineages.

He was marrying Sasha because she was beautiful and had a strong lineage.

After Fiona's introduction, Sasha felt even more insecure. This woman was everything beyond what she was.

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