Chapter 32 (16+)

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What happened next left her baffled.

Her tied hands flew down in his dark silver locks as she tightly gripped them. Her eyes went wide and her lips parted in sheer surprise when she felt his wet and cold lips right on her intimacy. An unknown shudder ran through her body as she trembled helplessly.

She turned her head to the left and stared at the window with a hazy gaze, and gripped his hair even more tightly. She was sure she would have some of his hair in her hands so she deliberately tugged harder on them and he deliberately sucked her harder down there making her shiver. Her body grew powerless and so did her grip on his hair when she felt his tongue.

It was going inside her.


Wasn't he disgusted?

Just how much more shameless could one get?

"D-Dirty...No." She barely breathed out.

"Mmmm...No." He pulled her down while he thrust his tongue inside her. "It's fucking delicious." He growled like a beast in a hoarse voice and licked her vertical lips making her jolt as a weird sensation washed over her along with a sinful sound that tore through her lips, surprising her. 

She harshly bit her lower lips, tears trickling down her forehead. He was basically tongue fucking her. Her teary and hazy gaze was now staring at the fancy ceiling. She was helplessly being pinned down on the bed. She was being eaten like a main course and all she could do was powerlessly moan about it. 

Her legs shivered and she shook her head when a weird sensation started to take over her. No, was she enjoying this? She couldn't accept it and resisted the pleasure but the man working on her was not just anyone.

Years of experience.

Fucking every other woman while all the way imagining her.

He was a sex master.

Her inexperienced self was nothing against him.

He began to thrust wildly into her with his tongue along with sucking and licking. She was left surprised by how her body began to helplessly jerk up and down. Was she even someone let alone something against him? 

If she wasn't his obsession, what was she, herself?

How could she withstand such an attack? This was the first time something like this was happening to her. The extreme pleasure he was inflicting on her had her eyes rolling back and her toes curling.

"Ah...Ah...Ahhhh." She breathed and moaned and just like that she released. Her chest heaved up and down and her legs powerlessly fell down from his shoulders. 

She was all soft and numb.

He moved back and a trace of lust hung on his lips. She shivered when he kissed her and pecked her there before moving back. He pulled back while wiping his lips after tasting his meal and it was beyond delicious than his imagination.

He peered down at her already messed-up form. Her fair body was shining because of the sweat that was smearing her body. Her hair was a mess. Her tied wrists were bruised and so was her whole body with his love bites.

He forced his claim on her.

Now, she looked like she belonged to him.

Now, she smelled like him.

Her scent, her body, and her mind screamed his claim on her.

Now, only one thing was left.

"Who do you belong to?" He asked possessively while leaning closer to her. Her face was turned to the left. Her cheeks and temple were wet with tears and her gaze was hazy. 

She flinched when he cupped her down there. Her jaw twitched as she turned to look up at him with her red and swollen eyes. "For a-all I know is...the da-day I really belong to y-you from every aspect is th-the day... I die." She said bitterly in her hoarse voice and his orbs instantly turned a shade darker but that for some reason...did not scare her.

"So f-for that to a-about you just kill m-me? The earlier the b-better." She said and he kept staring at her, the side of his brow twitching as he slowly got up from her.

"Fine, then let me kill you." He said and her eyes went on him. What? He agreed? Was he really about to kill her? Her wild heartbeat intensified ten folds in relief and somewhere in happiness although she was perplexed how he agreed on it.

Since he was a lunatic who wanted her to only belong to him...this might as well work.


What he did next made her realize that she got herself into much hotter water. "Than...I'll fuck you till you die. Good, right? You get what you want and I get what I want. Fair play for both of us." He spoke like a deranged lunatic and pulled his pants slightly down and before he could take out his manhood and terrify her, he received a perfect kick on his face. Although, he didn't even budge, but she bought a little time for herself. She jumped off the bed and pulled her white petticoat down while running towards the window with her full strength and speed, she didn't stop, she didn't look back even once. Afraid, she would get caught and upon reaching the window she harshly hit it with her body. 

His pupils dilated.

The loud and harsh sound of the window breaking echoed in the surroundings and far in the wild. A few pieces of glass pierced her skin and tore her skin apart. The pain at that moment felt like a feather caressing her whole. A smile caressed her lips and she closed her eyes. A tear escaped her eyes and instantly vanished into thin air. At that moment all she wanted was peace.

To be away from her fear.

She closed her eyes and gave herself away to her end.

Yes, this was the only way...she could have her peace and freedom back.

Her peace and freedom...what were they like again?

What season was it?

Was it summer or winter?

Yes, it was winter.

The horses 'neighed' as they rode on the snowy lane of the forest. Their steps shook the trees making the snow that was piled up on their leaves melt down and merge with the snow on the side of the lane. 

The caravan of youth was coming from a successful mission and the one leading them was no one other than...

Sasha Walton.



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