Chapter 6

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The wedding day was knocking on the door in no time.

The kingdom was bustling with happiness, every other person was out on the streets, most of them were dressed nicely and a few were dressed normally, like any other day. People were gossiping and dancing in groups on every other street, enjoying themselves to the fullest.

While the atmosphere in the castle was no different. A low violin was playing in the hall of the castle. Every other guest was nicely dressed in royalty. Maids and servants were walking around with trays in their hands that held juice and wine glasses.

Everyone was busy gossiping until the groom arrived. 

Sasha took a deep heavy breath. A deep crease of frown was settled on her forehead. She wasn't feeling good or happy at all. Instead, she felt like crying. She was dearly missing her family and was on the verge of tears.

Once she was married to Jasper, she was bound to him for life.

Only if things went the right way.

She prayed to God to give her patience to deal with Jasper if he treats her like she doesn't exist.

Sasha was dressed in a white floral wedding dress. It was perfectly kissing her upper body while it had a large floral from down. She had a white thin veil covering her face. Her hair was nicely slicked back in a puffy bun and a little makeup was applied on her face that gave her even more of a softer look.

While she was sitting on the couch of her room, busy biting her nails while feeling extremely sad and nervous, the door of her room opened and the old granny walked in.

The old granny was also dressed nicely in a baby pink color dress. She paused, stared at Sasha for a good while before settling down beside her on the couch.

"What's with that face?" The old granny asked and Sasha huffed a sigh, looking away.

"Isn't it obvious?" Sasha asked ever so slowly. 

"You're sad." The old granny let out and heaved a sigh.

"I know, you don't have any feelings for Jasper but we're doing this for your own good." The old granny said and Sasha scoffed.

"You and I are both delusional. If I marry and that monster still comes at us, things will get even worse because of this marriage and I think he's exactly waiting for that before showing up." Sasha said and the granny shook her head while clicking her tongue.

"Let's forget about him. Everyone is waiting for you, let's go." The granny said, cutting the topic and immediately getting up. She helped Sasha up and helped her walk out of the room while grabbing her floral from behind.

Before they stepped out of the room.

"Remember, not to give them any excuse to talk to you." Granny said, indirectly telling Sasha to smile and act happy even though she wasn't feeling like it.

Sasha stepped out of the room and she was handed a bouquet of white roses. 

Upon reaching the entrance gates of the hall, the granny let go of her dress, fixed the floral of the dress and stepped back. Sasha took a deep breath, getting herself ready when she heard the guard yelling in the hall that Princess Sasha was about to enter. 

With that, the huge gates of the hall were opened and she began to walk on the red carpet that was leading to the aisle. The guests started to clap ever so slowly and elegantly. Every pair of eyes were fixed on her.

A soft smile was kissing her features.

She slowly raised her eyes and looked at Jasper who was standing on the aisle with a faint smile on his face. He looked handsome as always but her eyes were searching for someone else as they roamed around the hall.

She saw Fiona but his extraordinary presence was nowhere.

Where was King Ragnar?

Once she reached near Jasper, he forward his hand towards her and she took it. He smiled at her and she passed him a smile as well. The ceremony began and they took their vows. Sasha tried her best not to be hesitant because the decision was made and there was no going back.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest said and Jasper stepped forward. Sasha swallowed thickly, praying inside that he doesn't kiss her on the lips. He raised her veil, smiled at her and leaned in. Just as she feared, he kissed her right on her lips.

It was a deep peck.

Everyone started to clap once the priest officially announced them as husband and wife. The king and queen of the logon kingdom. Everyone was happy except the bride herself but she continued to smile the brightest because that's what she gotta do from now onwards.

The celebration began and the guests started to greet them one by one. Wishing the new couple a happy and blessed life. Fiona also walked up to them with a huge yet elegant smile on her face. She happily congratulated them and Sasha noticed how the light in Jasper's eyes changed.

Sure, she was not dumb.

She could see the change in his gaze.

Already? Was the thing that crossed her mind.

"Where is our main guest, King Ragnar?" Jasper asked and Sasha's ears immediately perked up. Fiona looked back at the guest and turned back to face the couple.

"He must be here, somewhere. He'll surely come and congratulate you both." Fiona said and Jasper nodded. "He came to our wedding, it's a huge blessing in itself." Jasper said and Sasha almost raised a brow.

So, this man knew he was not the only blessing.

Sasha roamed her eyes around and still found him nowhere. He was a huge man who could be spotted from afar. She didn't understand why she was looking for him and didn't feel quite right about it because deep down she knew exactly why she was looking for him and the thought alone scared her. 

And the feeling of being watched was  continuously haunting her.

She couldn't see him, so she gave herself an excuse that she was the bride and everyone would obviously look at her.

She lowered her gaze, shook his thoughts away and continued to meet the guest, completely unaware that the devil was actually watching her like a hawk.

Dare he pull his eyes away from her even for a second.

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