Chapter 11

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The gates of the conference hall were opened as she stepped inside. There was no hesitation in her walk but from inside she was nervous. All the pair of eyes turned her way. Some of them eyed her suspiciously and some of them were ashamed of their hostile behavior. 

This was her first night here as the queen and she was being brought to the conference hall. This was her wedding night, she was supposed to be in her bedroom instead of being questioned here.

But the situation was kinda harsh on them as well.

Sasha paused in front of Jasper who was sitting on his throne. A familiar scene flashed in her eyes upon seeing him sitting on his throne like that and a zap of shiver ran down her spine. She immediately lowered her gaze and clenched her hands in a tight fist before unclenching them.

"You called me." She said softly and Jasper nodded while standing up as he walked up to her.

"I suppose you already know why we called you here," Jasper said and Sasha took a deep breath before matching his stern gaze. "Yes." She said and Jasper licked his lower lip before stepping forward, closer to her.

"Then tell us everything from the beginning." He said and Sasha looked around before she began telling them everything in a brief summary. "They are after humanity, the mankind that destroyed them. They have now recovered and are after all of us." Sasha said she told them how those monsters destroyed her kingdom in the name of revenge and how they were going to destroy other kingdoms. 

She skipped the part...the part where the crazy leader of those monsters was chasing her like a deranged man. The part where his obsession led him to the Logon kingdom.

"Where do they reside?" Jasper asked.

No other men spoke up, they dared not to because she was their queen but deep down many of them had questions.

"I do not know." She said before adding.

"They have destroyed many small towns before our kingdom. I remember there was this old lord of a village that came to our kingdom for help."

"I see, have you seen the face of their leader?" He asked and Sasha paused.


His name is Luan and he is a crazy lunatic. He has sharp yet thick masculine features with a vertical scar on his right jaw. He looks like a devil, a mentally ill person who smiles while ripping his prey apart. His eyes glow when he sees blood and they shine in absolute craziness when he sees her. Even the thought of him liking her scares her to oblivion. The thought of him always watching her. He will chase you with a smile so evil you might wish to fall down a cliff rather than die with his hands.

And the day he stops smiling will be the day humanity will beg for mercy.

"No, I haven't." Sasha lied.

"Why didn't you tell us this beforehand?" Jasper asked again. "I was scared. If I told you, you would have kicked me and my people out." She told the truth and Jasper narrowed his eyes on her.

"In short, you wanted us to experience it ourselves?" He asked and she quickly shook her head. "That is not true. If I wanted bad for you, I wouldn't have told you about anything." Sasha defended herself.

"The time is right, it's better than ever to get prepared now for the protection of your kingdom, might as well take help from the surrounding kingdoms and let them know about their existence," Sasha said and everyone watched her a little surprised.

Jasper didn't like the way she advised him on what to do, that alone in front of everyone. Just because she was the queen now doesn't mean she could take part in any of these situations.

He also knows what to do.

"I didn't call you here for your advice. Keep it to yourself, go back to your room now." Jasper said sternly, he didn't even care that his men could clearly listen to his voice. Not only were they shocked but she was left stunned as well.

This was the first time he talked with her like this.

She knew he wasn't in a good mood but she didn't expect him to insult her like that in front of everyone. She swallowed thickly, nodded at him, and turned around, immediately leaving the hall.

On her way back to the room, she realized something.

Jasper was finally showing his true colors.

He didn't like how she advised him in front of everyone.

They might have felt weird.

But back in her homeland, she used to speak like this alongside her father, the king, and her brother, the crown prince. They used to encourage her whereas her mother on the other hand was truly against it. 

But this was not her homeland.

Upon reaching her room, she found the old granny had fortunately left.

Not being able to stand anymore, she slumped down on the bed, on her right side and closed her eyes.

She missed her family beyond words. Tears trickled down her temple as she recalled her memories with them. She didn't even have any of their remembrances to hold onto. 

How cruel that monster was to kill off her family and people and to shamelessly chase her around like a wild animal.

She was afraid to fall asleep, terrified that he might show up again but she was so tired that she drifted off to sleep in no time.


The next day, all the remaining guests were informed about the situation in full detail while the ones who left earlier were sent letters. The news sure rattled them but being informed beforehand was a relief.

Sasha wished her kingdom wasn't the first target. 

It might not have been if she hadn't helped that monster that day.

She stepped out of his meeting room, feeling extremely heavy-hearted. This morning Jasper called her to his meeting room and told her that they would be leaving for Kastron kingdom tomorrow.

They would take the letter personally to him since King Ragnar had called them to his land. He would hold a celebration for the newlyweds in his kingdom's castle. 

He looked excited and eager to go there because Princess Fiona would also join them on the journey.

How careless.

His kingdom might face those monsters anytime and here he was going there to personally give them the letter which was obviously an excuse.

He wanted to join hands with King Ragnar and maybe in the future ask for his sister's hand as well.

Of course, Sasha had no say in it.

He just called her to inform her, not to ask her.

She herself also didn't say anything, wondering that he wouldn't like her going against his decision. 

Just like last time he was mad.

King Ragnar...she really didn't want to be near him because he made her feel the same presence of that monster.

She feels on edge with his presence around her.

With a huff, she descended the stairs but immediately halted on her steps when she heard a few maids gossiping among each other about her.

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