Chapter 27

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Sasha hurriedly limped towards the main tent with the guard and found the crowd of people circling it. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears. Upon reaching them, the people started to make way for her as she made her way inside the tent. On her way inside, she could hear Jasper's groans.

The moment she stepped inside, little did she know would become one of the most traumatic moments of her life.

Her wide orbs stared at Jasper in pure horror.

He was laid down on the carpet, groaning in agonizing pain. His red eyes were on the verge of shedding tears as he stared up at the clothed ceiling of the tent with nothing but utter distress in his eyes. Sasha's eyes slowly roamed on his left leg and right arm and she abruptly looked away. Her orbs throbbed in horror as she immediately covered her mouth in disbelief.

His leg was twisted backward and she could see his bone poking through his calf like a sharp dagger and his arm was in the same condition, twisted back and his wrist was literally in indescribable condition. Sasha couldn't even look at it. Jasper's painful groans and that horrifying condition of his brought tears to her eyes and grew 'his' fear more in her.

Sasha's orbs hesitantly drew back at Jasper. A middle-aged man was kneeling beside him, checking Jasper with a deep frown on his face. This was beyond her imagination, even the darkest one.

Her tearful eyes traveled up towards that monster and she literally flinched back upon making eye contact with him. He was staring directly at her, a cold look in his eyes. His gaze was as brutal as Jasper's condition. Sasha immediately looked away and with hesitant and small steps she began to walk towards Jasper but the very next moment someone bumped into her shoulder making her stumble to the side.

Sasha looked to her right and found Fiona.

Fiona immediately rushed to Jasper and kneeled down beside him with tears in her eyes. Sasha stared at her with a frown.

Pretending as if she wasn't aware of what exactly her so-called brother was up to.

Sasha felt a sudden surge of anger within her.

These two siblings were literally making things worse for her than ever. Without a single thought but with a lot of courage, she walked up to them and firmly grabbed Fiona's left shoulder. The girl looked up at her with tears in her eyes while Sasha gestured for her to move aside. Just at the same time the guards of Logon Kingdom came rushing into the tent and were left flabbergasted by their king's condition.

Fiona quietly moved aside while Sasha crouched down next to Jasper. She expected his wrist to be broken once she told that monster from which hand Jasper slapped her but to go to such an extent was beyond her understanding.

How did he even manage to do this?

Jasper wasn't alerted against him which means he didn't see who did that to him.

With much hesitation, Sasha grabbed Jasper's shoulder and pinned him down on the carpet because he was moving like a dying fish.

"Get a cart ready, we need to take the king to the healer's chambers right away," Sasha ordered firmly to the Logon guards, and before they could turn around and do as they were told.

"No need, the cart is here. We must take him right away."

Sasha didn't even spare Ragnar a single glance and immediately stood up when a few guards rushed in with a cart. Before the guards could get a hold of Jasper, she stopped them and ordered Logon guards to pick Jasper up instead.

Once they helped Jasper on the cart, they immediately left for the castle.

The ride back to the castle was hell both for Jasper and Sasha.

She was a bit too soft-hearted.

Upon reaching the castle, Jasper was immediately taken to the healing chambers and all the people from the Logon Kingdom including Granny soon gathered outside the healing chambers. 

Everyone was tense but he looked as calm as ever.

"How did that happen?" Granny asked and Sasha looked up at him. As expected, he was already watching her like a hawk. "How did that happen? It nearly seems impossible by some natural falling." Sasha said, looking him directly in the eyes. She wasn't scared to face him head-on because she wasn't alone.

"Pardon me, I'm not aware. No one guards heard his yelling and immediately went to his rescue. By the looks of it, it seems like he fell into a trap." He said. His tone was calm, his voice as smooth as a river yet as furious as the waves knocking against the rocks.


Fall into the monster's trap.

"Pardon me as well, you should have been aware of that trap before taking us to hunt. He is a king and he is severely injured in another kingdom." Sasha retorted sharply leaving everyone stunned including Fiona. Never have they ever seen someone talking to Ragnar like this.

Ragnar was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest and his posture as calm as ever, his gaze that of a hunter examining his prey, taking in every portion of his prey.

Thinking about where to begin eating it up.

"I know, that was careless from our side. But the way you are addressing it seems like an accusation." He said and Sasha slightly nodded.

"It is." Once she said this, low gasps resonated in the area as the old granny nudged her arm, telling her to quiet it down. However, the other people from the logon kingdom seemed quite satisfied with how strong their queen was coming over.

Going against a man like him...wasn't a thing even a man could do.

Sasha knew very well...she was speaking like this because she wasn't alone.

If she was to be alone with him...only god knows how'd she even stay rooted to her spot.

"I understand, it must be nerve-wracking. I take full responsibility for it." He said and with that, he walked away. Sasha watched his back before turning her gaze towards Fiona.

They made eye contact but Sasha only passed her a stoic look.


Entering the dark lightly dimed hallway, Ragnar made his way towards an unknown direction. His gait screamed dominance and his aura screamed power. His hands were tightly clenched in a fist as he ripped his mask off and threw it away. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were as dark as the ocean of blood.

He opened the door which made a 'creak' sound and stepped inside a huge hall. The hall had no furniture other than several statues. The hall was lit up like a hall that was holding a wedding ceremony in it. It was lightened up like this from day to night, dare even a candle stop providing his tiny bit of light.

His footsteps echoed in the silent hall as he made his way further in. Halting on his steps once he was close enough to the huge wall in front of him, close enough to the huge frame that was hanging on the wall.

He stared at the painting.

A woman's painting.


"My little missy." He whispered under his breath and tilted his head at the frame. "It's enough playing around now." He rasped and looked around at all the frames that were framed against the walls of the hall.

Each of them had her and no one else.

"I've gotta tame you."

"So all you will know is me and nothing else."

"The only one you will ever shed your tears for will be me."

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