Chapter 25

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The horses 'neighed' in the deeper part of the forest as they walked in a line on the rugged ground. Ragnar was leading with Jasper closely right beside him. Just behind him was Sasha on her horse and on her left was Fiona. Guards and a few higher-ups of the Kastron kingdom also came along for a hunt.

This morning Fiona came to Sasha's room, asking if she was ready to go for a hunt. The condition of Sasha's ankle worsened as she could barely walk. Though the granny did some of her own remedies with Sasha's ankle before leaving the room, recovery wouldn't be coming as soon as she applied the remedy.

Sasha denied it, explaining the situation of her ankle. Fiona didn't seem to mind and asked her if she still wanted to go to the physician. Since her granny had already done her old and gold remedy with Sasha's ankle, she politely refused that offer as well. Fiona left with a smile, telling her to get well soon because the celebration of their wedding was just around the corner.

Just as she left...

Jasper came.

Since that monster asked for her presence as well, Jasper couldn't just say 'no' to him and came bursting through her door like a bull blinded by red.

He told her to get ready and stop acting like a weakling.

That man didn't even ask what happened to her ankle.

He told her to stop acting, she wasn't so soft in her father's homeland. He told her to stop seeking sympathy like a pushover. He kept barking on her and she was just too dazed from last night to even pay any attention to him. That monster took her sleep with him as well and she was awake the whole night like an owl. The only thing she wanted was a peaceful sleep.

She understood one attention to Jasper and his words was like committing suicide. 

Nevertheless, she was forced to come along.

She stared down at the horse she was sitting on. Her hold on the reins was tighter than ever. It has been so long since she rode on a horse. This only made her feel worse because the last time she rode a horse was with her elder brother, the crown prince. She huffed a sigh and looked up at Jasper before her eyes slowly traveled toward his left.

Ragnar. He was wearing a big velvety black cloak on top of his black suit, that black on his pale skin made him stand out extraordinarily.

Just looking at him had her heart running for its life.

He asked Jasper to make her join in the hunt.

He was onto something.

Something as malicious as his whole presence.

"Let's get down here. Set a tent!" Ragnar ordered his guards before halting his horse. He got down and the first thing he did was to sharply glance at her with his hunter-shaped eyes. They made eye contact and she almost jumped before quickly looking away. Jasper and Fiona also got down as they began to tie the reins of their horses to the nearby tree.

Sasha licked her dry lips and rode towards one of the trees. She put her hand on the trunk of the tree and tried to get down from the horse but the pain in her ankle shot through her whole body. With a frown on her face, she took a deep breath and decided to get down despite the pain.

Once she dismounted the horse, she took a deep breath and tied its reins to the tree before turning towards the others. Everyone was so into each other, that she felt completely left out and lonely. Though, It was better to be left alone than to be a part of them.

She turned towards her horse.

A soft smile appeared on her lips as she faced her horse. It had brown and white skin and its hair was light brown, long, and shiny. The horse overall was sparkling and beautiful. 

"They take good care of you, huh." She said and began to caress his head and hair but as she was doing this, she felt a shiver run down her spine. Her eyes scanned her surroundings and paused on him. Ragnar was sitting on a huge rock, sharpening his bow with his eyes solely fixed on her.

The two gray hues of his were staring right through her soul, sending chills all over her body as she abruptly looked away. Turning her back towards him. She continued to pat the horse until Fiona walked up to her with a quiver and a bow.

"This is for you. I'm pretty sure, I don't have to guide you into anything. You are much better than me." Fiona said, handing them over to Sasha. Sasha politely thanked her while taking the bow and the quiver in her hands. 

"Let's hunt as much as we can," Fiona said enthusiastically before hopping away. Sasha just watched her excitement, remembering how she used to get excited just like this for hunting before any of this happened.

Her eyes roamed around.

She didn't spot Ragnar or Jasper.

Most of them were off to hunt while the guards were setting the tent up.

Sasha decided to hunt as well.

She took the route that she was sure not the two disasters of her life had taken.

She took out an arrow and brought it near the bow, getting in the position and mood as she walked ever so slowly. Her ankle was making things hard for her. Her eyes roamed around in the search for something big, such as a deer but she couldn't even see one for a very long time.

She could have taken down a bird or two but she didn't. It was just pretty much useless to take its life.

Because it was small and weak.

Hunters usually don't think that way though.

She wasn't a hunter to begin with.

Sasha's eyes snapped towards the left like a whiplash and her pupils dilated when she saw a deer peacefully walking around in its own world.

She swallowed and raised her bow as she slowly began to walk towards it. Just as the arrow left its bow the deer fell down and she flinched. Her arrow was stuck in the trunk of the tree because the deer fell before her arrow could even strike it.

Something passed from right beside her head, making her flinch.

Someone took the deer before she could but how was that possible? She was the one closer to the deer and the arrow came from behind her. She abruptly turned around and instantly paused upon witnessing who the hunter was and suddenly the hunting didn't look surprising at all. 

Ragnar lowered the bow and tilted his head at her.

"I put my eyes on it first." He said cockily and Sasha didn't really care about it. The only thing she was concerned about was being completely alone with him in a place like this. She passed him a slight nod and turned around to leave only to stumble back.

A painful expression kissed her features when all the pressure went on her bruised ankle. Sasha opened her eyes and looked at him, blocking her way.

Just as she feared.

How did he even find her?

Unless he was always watching her.



I'm here to thank you all for your support for 'The King's Dark Obsession'. Honestly, your comments makes me so happy and keeps me motivated. So keep commenting and share your ideas.

You guys might think that I'm taking the book very slow nowadays. The main reason for that is I'm currently having my university exams. I still manage to take out a little time and write for you all. The focus is a little messed up. I just want to inform you guys that updates this week will be less frequent but the next week I'm coming with updates frequent and hotter than ever.

Thank you for reading this.

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