Chapter 7: Harmony learns her powers.

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We ran up the hill and I saw Drake laying there, with a huge bloody gash on his neck.
"Oh my gosh." I whispered to myself.
Drake's face was ashen white, and he wasn't moving. But he was breathing, which made me reassured that he was at least alive. I sat next to Drake looking at the cut. Now that I knew I could make water do whatever I desired it to do, I decided to use it to my advantage. A small pull formed in my stomach and a small worm of water came to my command. I cleaned the gash on his neck. It was clean, but it still looked nasty.
Harmony looked super worried, and she put her hand on his forehead, I could tell it was moist and hot.
"Harmony can you heal him? You are the daughter of Apollo after all." I asked.
"I don't know, I've never tried before." she replied
"Well, you have to try!" I said hopefully.
She took a deep breath and put her hand to his neck. Nothing happened.
"Come on." Harmony whispered
As if on cue, a soft yellow glow appeared and shined in between her fingers. Color returned to Drakes face.
"Thank the gods!" I exclaimed happily.
Drakes eyes flew open, and he looked straight at me, and he looked surprised.
"Your...okay?" He said weakly.
I nodded, close to tears. "That monster won't be bothering us anytime soon. "
"But the cut on your shoulder, its gone."
I looked at my shoulder, and he was right. There was no cut anymore, just a long, white scar across my shoulder.
"I don't know." I said.
"Might've been the water." Harmony said.
"Maybe." Drake said, then put his hand on my arm, "I'm just glad your safe."
"I'm glad your safe too." I smiled.
He smiled back weakly and I helped him sit up. Then I gave a small side hug, careful not to touch his healing neck.
"So," Harmony said awkwardly. "We should get going, cause we have to walk."
"What?" I said surprise fully "what happened to our driver?"
"He booked it when to the kraken showed up, and sped away like there was no tomorrow."
I groaned. I couldn't believe he just bailed on us like that.
I looked at Drake, "Can you walk?" I asked.
"Yeah." he replied, "Maybe i just need some nectar."
Luckily, our driver had left our bags on the curb. I took out Drake's canteen and after one drink he looked much better.
"Alright." he said.
"Maybe instead of traveling ahead we should set up camp for the night." Harmony said.
I looked at the darkening sky, it was probably a smart idea.
"Okay." I said and I knelt down and took out my sleeping roll.
After our camp was set and Harmony went to go father firewood, I saw Drake slumped over against a tree, surrounded by so much darkness I could barely see him. I walked up and stood right next to him. "You okay?" I asked.
"Yea." he said sadly.
I sat next to him and nudged his arm slightly. "Come on, what's wrong?" I insisted.
He sighed, "I just cannot believe I let you get hurt like that, then made a total fool of myself."
"Getting cut was my fault," I said then blushed. "I was the one watching you." I murmured.
He smiled, "Why were you watching me?"
"You were fighting with pretty killer skill, I wanted to see if I could learn something from you."
He laughed slightly and looked at me, "You? Learn from me? I don't think so."
"I could. I can learn from anyone who is willing to teach me."
He touched the scar on his neck. "The only thing you could learn from me is how to get hit by a kraken, and make a total fool of yourself."
"That isn't true, I could learn a lot from you."
"Like what?"
"Well, you can train people to fight. You give people the courage to learn to fight. And, you can teach people, how to be an amazing friend."
Drake smiled. "Thank you Atlanta, your an amazing friend to me."
I smiled back and pushed him slightly "Come on buddy, lets get back to camp."
He laughed and stood. He offered me his hand. I took it and he helped me up. We got back to camp and set up our sleeping bags, with all of us directly next to each other.
"Goodnight guys." I said
"Goodnight." They replied.
And with that we fell asleep. And I had my first dream.

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