MAIN Characters Bio

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^^^picture of Naomi above^^^

Naomi Kingston Half Haitian half Jamaican is a shy, outgoing, carefree person but gets very protective when it comes to her family. She average height at 5.5 brown skin light brown eyes jet black curly kinky hair thats pass her shoulders. She twenty-one who's in her last year of college.

Desta Kingston half Haitian half Jamaican is calm, laid back person but gets aggresive when it comes to his younger sisters and mother. He's a tall handsome dark skin man who's twenty-four 6.2 he in the marines. He been in the marines for six years now. He has hazel eyes tone body and nice curly short hair.

Nadia Kingston half Haitian half Jamaican is sassy, silly, goofy person who loves her family but she looks up to her big sister Naomi. She has caramel skin complexion hazel eyes brown curly hair that stop at her shoulders she five years old and she loves to learn and is the smartest girl in her class.

Sherece Kingston is Jamaican with caramel skin complexion light brown eyes jet black hair that stop above her shoulders. She a lawyer in Texas. She married and been for twenty-four she love her three chrildren with all her heart.

Alain Kingston is Haitian with dark skin with hazel eyes brown kinky hair. He's a lawyer in Texas he's married been for twenty-four years who's protective over his family.

Jase Gallo half Greek half Russian is an outspoken, laid back but can get aggresive when it comes to his sisters, little brother, and mother. He's tall very handsome olive tan skin with forest green eyes. He's 6.3 very tone body and chest. He's twenty-six lives in Lousisana he's a lawyer with dirty blonde he keeps in a pony-tail.

Tya Gallo half Greek half Russian is out going, funny, sporty person. She has tanned skin blue eyes brown hair with blonde highlights. She is 5.6 twenty-five she lives in California as fashion designer.

Imari Gallo half Greek half Russian is lovable, quiet, with an attitude who love his family. He looks up to his big sister Tya and big brother Jase. He has pale olive skin with short brown hair and blue/green eyes. He's six years old and loves to play soccer.

Zoe Gallo half Greek half Russian is a sporty, funny, chill person. She has olive tan skin pale blue eyes dirty blonde hair that stop in the middle of her back. She is 5.5 eighteen she lives in Florida she plays tennis there and she best friends with Naomi.

Kiyanna Gallo is Russian with tanned skin with forest green eyes dirty blonde hair that stops a little past her shoulder blades. She a doctor in Louisiana she married and have been married for twenty six years now. She loves her family and very protective of her children.

De-Angelo Gallo is Greek with olive tanned skin blue eyes brown hair tall handsome 6.3 very tone body. He's married been for twenty-six years he owns his on business. He loves his family and doesnt get alone with his oldest child Tya because of her lifestyle so they're always clashing.

That was a little insight on the main characters now to the story enjoy:)

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