The beginning.

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*Beep Beep Beep Beep*...
I was born.
April 3rd, 1998.
Weighing 7 lbs and 2 ounces.

• My mom and dad were both young. Only in there younger 20s. My dad, a tall, rich, dark brunette man with dark brown eyes. My mom, a tall, also wealthy, blonde woman with green eyes just like mine.
• My hair? Bright ginger. And since my mom was known for having a certain.. background.. My dad got a dna test.
Surprisingly I was his, my mom just had a recessive gene.
• This made his dumb ass trust her a whole lot more than he should have. He felt sorry for accusing her.
• Now my childhood. My dad was away for work most the time and my mom was doing god knows what. I was usually left with
a nanny.
• My mom often came back late at night and when she did she always had a gift for me. This got old by the time I was 6 because it was never actually anything I liked. I could be into soccer and she'd get me a basketball.
• She never cared to know anything about me, but I know she loved me. I was sent to a public school even though I had money. Anytime I had problems she'd come deal with it personally.
• I once told her I had a crush on a girl in my class. I told her that me and the girl had made a promise to always be each other's dream.
She made me move schools.
• She was never at award shows but if I was in trouble she was there. She didn't want anything bad to happen to her precious baby boy.
• When I was 10 my mom started getting to a point where she didn't really care about keeping what she did a secret anymore.
She was bringing men home every week while my dad was away.
•I couldn't do anything about it. My dad knew what was going on. He just didn't want to break up his "prefect" little family.
• When I started middle school I was sent to a private school. My mom thought "the stricter the better." That's where everything started for me.
• I had this neighbor. William. We basically grew up together. We went to the same private school and hung out a lot.
• 8th grade year, there was this boy at our school named Clyde. I had feelings for him. I didn't know what they were. Clyde was gay. This was a known fact.
• I was always around Clyde. At lunch, recess, class, in the halls. Everywhere.
• Clyde was getting bullied really bad at one point. I got into a fight once because a kid called him a f**
I was suspended.
• Even a teacher heard he was gay and went on about how the Bible didn't approve and that Clyde was going to hell.
• The teacher had a 10 year old daughter. Him and his wife had been married for 8. So after class ended I made sure to tell him sex before marriage was also a sin and that if Clyde was going so was he.
I got suspended.
• William was at my house playing my game once and he looked over at me. With the straightest face he asked, "are you gay?"
• I looked at him shocked then looked down. "I don't know.." he shrugged his shoulders. "You know it's whatever. I'd still be your best friend."

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