A strange girl.

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• long... LONG.. story short. My professor and I got a hotel room that night. He said his house was too risky, but mine, being too close to the school, was as well.

• After I left the hotel he couldn't drive me home, again, too risky? So I walked. It was dark, only a few cars out and the street lights being the only light source. As I was walking this girl bumped into me. I looked down at her. She was shorter than me, blonde but her hair had pink highlights, she looked up at me and I noticed her piercings and her icy blue eyes.

• I also noticed her smudged makeup. She seemed upset. "You okay?.." I asked. She just looked at me, pushing aside. "I'm fine! Leave me alone." Wow okay.. rude. I thought to myself as I go to walk away. Suddenly I hear a sigh and the girl pulls be back by my sleeve.

• "look I'm sorry. I don't want you to think I'm some bitch." she says, moving her hair out of her face. "I just, I've had a really hard night." I have no idea who this girl is, or why she's telling me, but I ask anyway.

• "Do you need to talk about it?.." she lets go of my sleeve and looks at me.. confused? Maybe shocked? "Do you listen?" She says in kind of a sassy remark. I try not to laugh at her tone but I nod. "I can."

• She lets out another sigh and starts to lead me down the street. As we walk, she starts talking. We walked for maybe 20 minutes as I listened to her rant about the night she had.

• "So I let him buy me a few drinks right? And he thinks that means I owe him something? Like no? So I tell him that and he's like 'what was the point' and I'm all like, if you offer a drink I'm gonna take it, it's not like I can buy them myself I'm only 19? So he gets mad and-" She continues for a few more minutes before she stops.

• Finally she sighs and turns to me. "It's whatever though. The day is over right? Tomorrow is a new one." She reaches into the bag she was holding and took out a cigarette and a lighter. She proceeded to light it and take a puff, looking up at the street lights.

• "You smoke?" I ask. She looks at me, a hint of annoyance. "Why? You gonna tell me it's bad?" I shake my head. "No no, by all means, you seem like you need one right now. I just didn't take you for the type." She starred at me for a moment, not speaking.

• She finally turned and took another puff, blowing the smoke into the sky before throwing the rest of the unsmoked cigarette on the ground, stomping it out. "It's fine, I should quit anyways.." She took out her phone, checking the time.

• "Oh shit- I have to go" She turns to me one last time. "What was your name?" I just realized we never really introduced ourselves. "I'm Adam." She smiled, handing me her phone. "I'm Amber. Here put your number in."

• I take her phone and look at her confused and she sighs. "Don't worry I'm not some creep. I just feel like you'd be a good friend to have around. Oh but don't text or call after nine pm or before twelve pm."

• I type my number in, looking up when she says that. "I'm most likely asleep is all." She says. I nod and hand her back my phone. She smiles softly and waves goodbye before leaving.. She's a bit strange..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07 ⏰

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