Dinner Date.

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• yeah so... long story short I went back the next day and agreed. And well.... Now I'm on a date.. With my professor, about two towns over. Guess he didn't want to be seen.

• "this is a nice place." I say. He smiles and looks around. "Yeah, figured I'd make a good impression."
"You know I've been here a few times, a lot actually."

• He looks at me. "Really?" I nod. "My family is wealthy. Ate at expensive restaurants a lot." He smirks. "And here I thought I was showing off."

• I smile slightly and look around. "So why two towns over?" He looks away. "Well.. if anyone saw us I'd lose my job, you know that Adam."
I nod.

• "So, that the only reason?" He looks back at me. "I'm sorry?" "You seeing anyone? Like you got a wife or something?" I say getting to the point.

• He laughs slightly showing me his left hand. "No ring, no wife, and no girlfriend either." I look at his hand then back up at him. "Good, it would've been a deal breaker."

• "another thing.." I say continuing. " We'll still be able to see other people right? But nothing serious obviously." He nods. "If that's what you'd like then yes." I nod as-well.

• "Have you done anything like this before?" He asks. I look at him puzzled. "Had a relationship with a teacher?" He grins a bit. "Yeah, have you?"

• I look around a bit, thinking, then back at him. "Yeah I have. My senior year of Highschool. It was my science teacher, though it wasn't for grades, I just thought she was hot."

• "she?" He says. "Yeah?" I respond. "What you thought I didn't like women? Who doesn't?" I say jokingly but he raises his hand half way. I pause and look at him.

• "Wait, you're like.. Gay gay??" He laughs slightly. "Yes Adam, I am gay gay is that a problem?" I shake my head.

• "No no it's just.. I've never with a dude who didn't like girls.. It's kind of a relief?" He looks at me and sits his head on his hand. "Yeah? How so?"

• "It's just, they either cheat on me with a woman or deny being gay even though they want to sleep with me." He smiles. "Well I'm not denying I'm gay, and I want to sleep with you. Where does that put me?"

• I'm a bit shocked by what he says but it's also a bit.. Exciting. "My pants." I say with little hesitation. He laughs. "Joking joking, of course. Maybe.. You're good looking so it helps." I say looking into his deep blue eyes.

• "Well then I like my chances." He says smirking smoothly. Before I can say anything else the waitress comes with our food. We eat, chat some more, pay, then leave. We walk outside the restaurant and he grabs my hand. I look over at him.

• "so where's your car, I'll walk you to it." I look around. "... yeah about that. I can't drive. My chauffeur dropped me off." He pauses for a moment.

• "I see." He says looking around a bit nervously. "Come on then, I'll give you a ride." We start walking. "Are you sure? I can call my chauffeur.." he smiles at me.

• "Nonsense, you can ride with me. Maybe we can discuss more about earlier." He says as he opens the door to his car for me while smirking.

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