The Actual Start, Of All My Problems.

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• "you heard her come on." He says.

• He leads me upstairs where the pool table along with the whole football team are located. They turn to us as we walk in and one of them speaks.

• "Kade! What's up man? Who's this?"
Kade gives me a look. I guess telling me to introduce myself. "I'm Adam.."

• The dude looks at me for a second then back at Kade. "You know, he'd be exactly your type if he was a chick" Kade nods. "Yeah I know. You think he's feminine enough?"

• Everyone laughs at his "joke" but I look over at Kade and he's just slightly smiling.

• "Hey you guys wanna play?" A random guy says. Kade shakes his head. "Nah I'm good. What about you Adam?" He says looking at me.

• "Me? I've never played." The guys look at me. "Really?" The same one from before says. I nod. "I could teach you how to play." Kade says.

• "Oh no, that's fine-" "awww come on" one of the other guys says cutting me off. "..okay fine." Kade smirks and I sit my cup down, grabbing a pool stick.

• "You can start, go ahead and break it." I hear. I'm so confused. I put the pool stick on the table. "So uh.. how the hell do I hold this?"

• Kade signs before walking up to me. "Here it's like this." He holds the pool stick along with my hand, adjusts it, and slightly bends me over.

•His hand still placed on mine, his other on my shoulder, his breath hot on my neck, and his crotch on my.. yeah..

• Whenever I realize my position I jump up, knocking Kade off me. "You know what never mind- I have to use the bathroom.." I say before quickly walking off down the hall and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

• A few minutes later I hear a knock. "Adam? You okay in there?" It's Kade. I open the door. "I'm fine, I think I'm just gonna go." I go to walk out and he stops me.

• "Already? Look don't go.. if you wanna get away from everyone we can just go to my room, it's my house." I look at him like he's crazy. "Yeah.. fun idea! But I'm just gonna leave." I say with a sarcastic tone as I try to walk off again.

• He stops me a second time. "Look I promise I won't try anything." I sigh. "Okay fine." I walk past him and he follows behind me.

• He leads me to his room and as I walk in I notice a desk with a verity of sketches taped above it and an easel in the corner. I look at him as he sits at the desk.

• "You do art?" He looks around. "Oh yeah I do, I'm an art major." "That's actually really cool, I'm stuck doing stupid business stuff" she smiles and pulls up another chair to his desk.

• "It's whatever, here sit." I look at the chair then back at him before walking up and sitting down, facing him. We stare at each other for about a minute before he speaks.

• "I want to draw you." I look at him confused. "Hm?" I follow his eyes that are now examining my face before falling back onto my eyes.

• "I want to draw you. Can I?" I think for a minute but then shrug. "Sure, why not." He smiles and pulls a sketch book and a pencil off his desk.

• "Okay just stay still it won't take long" I do as told, just looking at him the whole time as he sketches away. About five minutes later he stops and looks up.

• "I'm done." "Really? that was fast." He nods. "Here look." He says ripping the page out and handing it to me. "Woah what the fuck? This is amazing.."

• "Thanks.. you know you could keep it, or you could just give it back so I could admire it for hoursss on end." He says sarcastically. I laugh a little. "Yeah whatever I'm keeping this."

• He goes silent for a moment kind of just looking at me before speaking. "Adam.. how about you stay the night?" I look up from the drawing. "What?"

• He continues to look at me. " Everyone will be gone by 3 and it kind of gets lonely here, why don't you stay? Just one night." I look at him confused. "Your sister doesn't stay here?.."

• He shakes his head. "Nah, she stays in a dorm with her friend. I like it here better.. So what do you say?.."

• I give it some thought before answering. I don't really have any plans. What do I have to lose? "Sure, I'll stay."

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