Decisions Decisions..

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• After that I allowed William to stay. He slept on the couch though because like I said before, I did not want to be in the same bed as him.

•The next morning I had to go to class, and after what happened with my professor, I REALLY didn't want to.

• I walk in to class and take my seat. I can feel his eyes starring daggers at me. Kassandra also walked in but she didn't sit next to me.. which felt weird. She didn't even look at me..

• I think her brother might've tipped her off about something.. Why do I feel like the asshole?  Soon enough the lesson started. Like usual I couldn't focus but it seemed worse this time..

• Usually I'd be able to jot some things down and Kassandra would help a bit. Now I can't even look at the board because I just make eye contact with my professor..

• about 50 minutes of hell go by and I'm finally able to leave. I get up from my seat, grabbing my shit and walking to the door. "Adam. Could I speak to you?" I pause.

• I turn and look at my professor who is standing at his desk with his arms crossed. Fuck this. "Can't I'm busy." I say trying to get the hell out of there. "It won't take long.." he says.

• I sigh and turn around walking towards his desk. "Is this about yesterday? Because I swear it's not what-" he stops me. "No no.. not exactly.." I look confused.

• "what do you mean?.." he thinks for a moment. "It's just.." he pauses. "Your grades are not so great Adam. I want to help you." I nod trying to comprehend. "How exactly?" He looks around.

• "Well, I could try and tutor you." I shake my head. "Yeah no. Never really a fan of tutors. I had a lot of private ones growing up it never helped.

• He nods. "I thought that would be the case.. so I have another proposal.." I look at him questionably. "Look. I'm not a fast learner. I take time to process stuff so I don't think there's anything you can-"

• "Go out with me." He says cutting me off. I stop. "I'm sorry.. what?" I say genuinely confused. "Go out with me. Just spend time with me mostly. Some dates, something more.."

• He comes from around his desk and walks up to me. "Um.. yeah.. I'm not into blondes sorry." I say wanting to back up but my body won't. He comes closer now standing over me. "Maybe reconsider? Just this once."

• I stare into his blue eyes as they look down on me. I take in his gaze, looking at the blonde strand of hair falling in front of his face. His glasses sitting just right. Looking at his jaw line, down to his muscular frame in his suit..

• "just.. give me time to think about it." He backs up a bit and smiles gently. "Of course. But please let me know at the end of class tomorrow." I nod. "Well then, have a nice day Adam." He says as I walk out.

• When I get back home William is still there. He's staying for a few weeks. I walk in and drop my stuff at the door, obviously a bit conflicted. I guess William notices because he asks.

• "What's up with you?" I sigh. "I just.. I need to think about something." He walks over and leans against the wall. "About what?" I hesitate a minute before speaking. "I got asked out."

• He stands up straight and his expression confuses me. "What? By who?" I walk forward heading to the living room. "That's.. not important. I just need to know if I'm gonna go along with it or not."

• William follows me, wanting to get more out of me. "Well then who is it? I can help you decide." I sit down on the couch. "Yeah.. no thanks." He sighs and sits beside me.

• "Come on just tell me." I think for a moment then speak. "Fine.. it's my processor.." William's expression changes to a mix of "what the fuck" and "excuse me".

• "Excuse me?" Well. I saw that coming. "You're joking right?" He continues. I shake my head. "Well what are you gonna do? How old is he anyway? You're seriously thinking about going out with this dude?"

• "Enough lecture I'm going upstairs to think." I start to walk upstairs and William follows behind me. "Wait a second get back." I roll my eyes continuing to go up the stairs.

• "Leave me alone. Let me think." He scoffs. "Think!? There is no thinking don't fucking do it." I stop at the top of the stairs and turn to face him.

• "Why do you even care William? It's my choice, stop fucking meddling it's annoying." William looks shocked and just stands there. I turn back around continuing down the hall until I make it to my bedroom.

• I close the door behind me and take a seat on my bed. Not too soon after William walks in. "Shit I thought I locked that door." I whisper to myself.

• He sits beside me on the edge of my bed, looking down fiddling with his hands. "Look Adam." He starts. "I'm sorry. I was just worried. I mean you literally just had a guy attack you."

• I pause and look over at him. "William, I understand but please let me take care of myself. If I do something dumb that's on me. And.. I don't think this would be too bad.."

• He looks over at me. Thinking before he speaks. "It's not going to be like an actual relationship though right? It's just going to be you fucking around with the guy?"

• "Yeah after getting cheated on and almost getting assaulted, I don't want a relationship right now. I'll make that clear.." William nods.

• "So.. that means you can still see other people?" I ponder for a moment. "Yeah I guess? Why?" I can see a faint smile spread across his face. "No reason."

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