The girl.

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• That night was kind of the start of everything for me. Kade and I actually ended up getting really close. Like- really close... Let's start this part off a few weeks after the party..

• I wake up to the sun hitting me in my face through the blinds. Still wrapped in Kade's arms as he looks at me. "Good morning red. You sleep well?"

• I shake my head laying it back into his shoulder. He laughs. "Not so fast strawberry shortcake, you have class in an hour. You need to get up." I groan.

• I stand up, grabbing a shirt and a pair of pants from the stack of clothes I have on top of Kade's dresser. I slide the shirt on and the pants over my boxers before walking into the bathroom.

• Kade walks in after me and wraps his arms around my waist as I begin to brush my teeth. I spit my toothpaste out, rinse my mouth out and wash my face.

• After I get done drying my face Kade lays his head into my shoulder, tightening his grip on me. "On second thought you should stay. I'm gonna miss your smell too much."

• I huff before attempting to get him off. "No no, you got me out of bed for class so I'm going." Now he's the one groaning.

•He lets me go and I brush my hair before walking back into the bedroom. I slip on socks and then shoes and grab my bag.

• I walk downstairs and to the door, Kade eventually follows down in just a pair of pajama pants and slippers. He grabs his car keys and we walk outside. The school isn't exactly far but he insists I don't walk.

• Time skip to about 30 minutes later I'm now sitting in class, bored. I'm basically failing and I honestly think the professor hates me. He's constantly starring me down like I did something wrong.

• Kasandra still sits beside me. She doesn't know what's going on between me and him... So she's always.. A bit flirty.

• "Adamm~" she whispers. I sigh and turn to look at her. "What?" I say a bit irritated but she just giggles. "Want to grab a drink from the café with me after this class?~"

• "kill me now." I think to myself. "Yeah no sorry. Can't I have another class after." Im lying, I don't have another class for at least an hour.

• She frowns and turns back towards the teacher. I do the same and once again I'm being starred down. He acts like I was the one yapping.

Time skip —- >

• I only had two classes today and after my second one I did end up stopping at the café since Kade has a class. Luckily Kasandra wasn't there.

• I sit at a table near the window with my coffee just looking out of it. Suddenly someone sits in front of me. I look and it's a girl with short brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a red headband and red lipstick.

• "Can I help you?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Sorry you were just sitting here all alone I wanted to say hi." I look a little confused. "Right.." I pause. "You know you kind of look familiar, are you here a lot?.."

• She nods. "Yeah my family owns this café so I'm usually here helping. But I also recently applied for the restaurant that just opened up down the street." She says smiling.

• "2 jobs? You're better than me, I wouldn't be able to." "Really? Why not?" She says looking puzzled. I shrug. "I kind of have this life where everything is handed to me- Trust me I wouldn't last a day."

• She laughs softly. "At least you're self aware and not stuck up" I nod. "Right, like I may be an asshole but at least I'm not a stuck up asshole."  She laughs again.

• "I like you." She says. "You should come here more often." I go to respond but I hear the café door open and suddenly there's a hand on my shoulder.

• I look behind me and it's Kade. "Oh hey, I was just-" he cuts me off. "Let's go." He says a bit sternly. I look at him confused but I get up. I say goodbye to the girl and walk out with him.

• Come to think of it, I never got her name.

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