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• What I'm about to tell you was probably the most eventful time during college.. So much happened in the span of two days it was actually concerning...

• Kade dropped me off on campus then drove back to his house as usual. I got in class sat there for a bit but even after a while professor never showed.

• So I left. Of course. And of course Kassandra asked me if I had plans... I lied like usual.. I was just going to go back to Kade's.

• I thought about calling him to come get me but he had just left and I didn't want to cause him too much trouble. I decided to walk, it wasn't far anyway.

• It took a little bit but I eventually got there. I knocked but there was no answer. "Maybe he was upstairs and didn't hear" I thought. So I picked up the spare key from under the mat and unlocked the door.

• "Kade??" I say loudly as I walk in and shut the door behind me. There's no answer. "Kade?? My professor didn't show so I just came back!.." I say as I start to walk upstairs.

• "Kade?.." I say looking around. Eventually I get to his room and open the door. "Kade are you- ..." I stop in my tracks. I just watch him jump up covering himself with the blanket.

• It's like I'm watching this shit in slow motion. "Adam? It's not what it-! What are you doing here!?.." I don't respond I just turn around and walk out.

• I can hear Kade getting out of the bed and following me downstairs. "Adam!" I get to the door but he grabs my hand. I turn around snatching my hand. "What!?"

• "Come on just listen!" "Listen to what!? Your fucking lies!?" I go to reach for the door again but he lays his hand against it. "You were fucking cheating on me move ur hand before I cut it off!"

• "It wasn't even fucking cheating! It's not like we're together!" What the fuck?.. "Excuse me!? Not dating but you've been accusing me of cheating for the last month!? Get the fuck out of my face Kade."

• "It's not even like that!" "Move!" I say pushed his hand off the door and leaving. He doesn't try to follow me out. I walk down the sidewalk honestly too pissed to even cry.

• On my way to my house I walk past the Café and run into Kassandra. I'm not in the mood for this.. "Adam hi!" I sigh but try to fake a smile. "Heyy.."

• "What are you up to? I thought you were busy?" I shrug. "Free now I guess." She smiles. "That's good! I just got coffee do you maybe want to walk?" I think for a second and suddenly.. The idea of hanging out with her isn't so bad.

• "yeah sure why not." I say smiling. Her face lights up. "Okay! Well where are you going? We can just walk there!" "Oh, well I was just heading home." I say in response. "Okay I'll walk with you!" I nod.

• I start to walk and she follows beside me. We talk a bit on the way there and I've come to the conclusion she's not THAT bad. Still bad but not as bad as before.

• Eventually we get to my house and walk up to my door. As Kassandra says goodbye and starts to walk away I take in my situation and.. it wouldn't hurt anymore to have a little fun right?..

• "Kassandra wait." I say. She stops and turns around to face me. "Yes?" I pause for a moment then speak. "Would you maybe want to.. stay for a while?" I can see her crack a smile.

• "Really??" She asks. I nod. "Okay sure~" I smile and open the door inviting her in. This better be eventful.

Time skip — >

• We "hung out" for a little over an hour because I did have another class to get to. And honestly? It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Honestly? Worth it.

• Kassandra ended up going home and I got ready and headed to my next class. When I got home that day and received a knock on my door, I realized Kassandra does in fact kiss and tell.

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