Punishment Should Fit The Crime

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The flashback is written in italics so that y'all wont get confused, as there is a scene where it shifts from past and present.

"Why are you doing this to me? Are you that tired of me?" Aakrith asks with a whine. He is sitting in the trainer's office, trying to convince his trainer not to send him away.

"Actually, yes." The trainer says, bluntly. "And it's not only me, the whole department is tired of you, kid."

"Well it's not my fault that they are getting old. You get tired easily." Aakrith smirks, as he picks a paperweight from the desk and starts playing with it.

The trainer takes away the paperweight from Aakrith's hands, making the boy pout. "Please don't send me away. Aap koi bhi punishment denge, I will accept without any complaints. But please, please don't send me to his team."

The trainer just ignores his pleas and continues with his paperwork. Now that the boy is Commander Kabir's responsibility, he doesn't have to deal with him.

Aakrith is frustrated. First, his trainer makes this stupid decision of sending him away and now, he is just ignoring his pleas.

"I know the baby is not in my tummy but if you will stress me out like this, the baby will feel his father's stress and it won't be good for him. Come on, show your compassion. Where's humanity?" He says, trying to get his trainer's attention.

However Aakrith instantly regrets it when he hears the trainer's next words.

"Alright, you know what, I'm making a call to your Commander." The trainer finally snaps. The boy is really getting out of hand.

Aakrith gasps in alarm, realizing he has pushed the boundaries too far. Therefore, he shows his best puppy eyes to his trainer. "No, no. I was just kidding. Please don't call him. He will kill me."

The trainer looks at him and sighs. The boy does get on his nerves but he doesn't have the heart to be this cruel with him. The commander will be enough to do the job. He looks like he would cry any minute.

"Why are you still here, Falcon? Didn't he tell you to report in 15 minutes?"

"I knowww." Aakrith says, making a face. "But I don't want to go there."

The trainer gives him a serious look. This boy is really pushing his luck with the Commander.

"You should know, your commander hates tardiness. Be there when he expects you or else you know what will happen, don't you? "

Aakrith shakes his head like a kid. He doesn't have any idea about his brother. According to him, his older brother is a sweet creature. He doesn't know how much he has changed over the past years.

"He will chew you out and make you run miles in your underwear until you pant like a dog." The trainer informs.

"Haha, yeah sure!" Aakrith rolls his eyes, not believing a word. His brother is too sweet to do something like that. Ok, not that sweet, he has been on his receiving end, multiple times. Being punished by Kabir was like a routine for him. But he knows his brother would never go that far.

"Alright, fine. I agree, I was just trying to scare you. But this is serious. I have heard the rumors that he made a guy run on the field with weights on his back, while the Commander was standing there with a stopwatch. He made him run till finished the laps on time. Which was after almost 2 hours."

Aakrith smiles at that. "This is a piece of cake for me. You should know that by now, sir."

The trainer shakes his head. "That's the thing. I think even the Commander knows that. So I'm sure he has planned something else for you."

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