Rules, Ruler And A Resounding Shriek

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Many of you wanted to see Kabir training Aakrith. So here is the chapter!

I had to research a lot to write the training scene. Inline comments are much appreciated :)

When Aakrith said he was all ready for the training, he didn't imagine that his baba would literally wake him up at 4:00 A.M. to go to the agency's ground.

Now he is standing here on the training grounds, his hands inside the hoodie's pockets. His hair is disheveled, sticking up in all directions. His sleepy eyes try to focus on his surroundings at this early hours.

"We will begin with the warm up first. 10 laps, start running!" Kabir orders, making Aakrith blink at him in question.

Turning around, Aakrith actually takes a few moments to look at his baba. Kabir is wearing a gray shirt and black pants, looking as fresh as morning dew on the petals. There is no sign of sleep in his eyes.

"Aakrith!" Kabir snaps his fingers in front of Aakrith's face, bringing his brother out of his thoughts. "Are you still sleeping?"

"Huh?" Aakrith shakes his head and rubs the sleep from his eyes. "No, I'm wide awake. 10 laps, okay, got it!"

"Make it 20." Kabir announces instead.

Aakrith looks at him with pleading eyes and protests. "Baba, no. Ten laps were good."

"You are wasting your time, Aakrith. Start running before I make it 30."

All the protests fade away as Aakrith immediately starts running, knowing that his baba doesn't give empty threats.

If it was his trainer, Aakrith would have thrown some sarcastic remarks and stuck to 10 laps only. But with Kabir, Aakrith knows better than to test those waters.

It is not like Aakrith can't do the 20 laps. As a trainee agent, he had already undergone much more than this. It's just that, he wants to jump directly to the practice fight and skip the warm up.

After 7 laps, Aakrith slows down and halts in front of Kabir, his breaths are even and heavy. "Baba, I don't exactly need a warm up, we can start with the training directly." Aakrith suggests growing impatient.

Kabir simply shakes his head and gestures to him to continue with the laps. With a low grunt, Aakrith continues with his runs.

Aakrith's feet come to halt again after like 13 laps and stand before Kabir. "I think I've done enough warm-up, right?" Aakrith states, looking expectantly at Kabir.

"Warm up is important, Aakrith. It will prepare you for the training ahead." Kabir emphasizes, firmly.

"And I did finish 13 laps. I think it's enough of a warm up."

Kabir lets out an exaggerated sigh, his hands resting firmly on his waist as he eyes his brother, a silent signal to stop arguing.

Aakrith makes a crying face and whines. "We are wasting time here, baba. Let's start with the training already."

Kabir can feel the restlessness coming from the boy. Aakrith is too desperate and eager to dive into the training. Well too bad, his brother needs to learn how to be patient and more importantly, he should listen to his Commanding Officer.

Without uttering any words, Kabir walks inside the agency. Feeling a bit relaxed, Aakrith dramatically sits down right there in the ground, sprawling his legs across the running tracks, convinced that his baba finally listened to him.

Aakrith looks up triumphantly when Kabir finally emerges from the door. "So, what's the first thing.."

He freezes in his place like frozen ice, his voice dies in his throat, when he sees Kabir approaching him with a big ruler in his hands.

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