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Next day
Athena Jones

As for every year the Zabinis hosts a masquerade ball for Blaise's birthday, any day of his birthday week. William, Hazel, Dahlia and me arrived at his manor today in the morning.

We went shopping for our dresses, and Dahlia reluctantly agreed to wear the one Hazel had chosen for her. I bought a watch as Blaise's gift, while Hazel and William opted for a picture frame of us. As for Dahlia, she had initially insisted that wearing a dress was gift enough for Blaise, but eventually, she also got him a bracelet.

Back at Hogwarts Malfoy remained his usual insufferable self, but something had shifted between us. We could now engage in somewhat normal conversations, even though he continued to thwart my classroom contributions and engage in our usual banter. It was a subtle change, but our banter and arguments seemed less intense than before.

Surprisingly, Pansy and Adrian had become more friendly. It appeared they had strategically chosen seats near us during meals. Hazel and William, however, still held strong opinions about both Adrian and Pansy.

Atleast no one is killing eachother, yet.

It was around 3 in the afternoon, and we were at Blaise's house, each of us in our respective guest rooms. When I stepped out of my room, I noticed the workers busy preparing for the evening ball. I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for not contributing more than just sleeping since my arrival.

As I looked around, I offered smiles to the workers I made eye contact with while making my way to William's room. I lightly knocked on his door, and he greeted me with a welcoming grin, ushering me inside.

Once I entered, I found myself admiring the view from his window, which overlooked the stunning garden where preparations for the evening ball were in full swing. "No matter how many times I come here, this place is amazing," I commented.

William agreed with a nod. "I know, right? Tell me about it." He sat beside me as I made myself comfortable on the bed.

"Have you been sleeping too?" I asked, letting out a sigh.

"Yeah I have, the bed here is so comfortable so it's been difficult leaving it." he replied

"But I should probably help around" I say "after all, it's Blaise's birthday, and I don't want to leave all the work to his family"

"Technically his birthday was yesterday, they're just throwing the ball today," William corrects me, making me roll my eyes.

"I mean, I'm so bored. Hazel and Blaise are down making sure everything is arranged, and I don't know where Dahlia is," I said, pausing for a moment. Then I looked at William. "Do you know where Dahlia is?"

She and I still haven't talked yet. She was still trying her best to avoid me in every way possible. It sucked. So. So much. She was- is my bestfriend, I didn't want a small kiss to ruin it. What am I supposed to do? Apologize for not being attracted to girls?

"I haven't seen her since breakfast. Isn't she in her room?" William frowned in thought.

"Let's check it out, then," I said, standing up and pulling William out of the bed as we both made our way towards Dahlia's room.

William opened the door and exclaimed "Darls!"

But her room was empty

Our frowns deepened as we locked eyes. I called her name once more as I cautiously pushed open the bathroom door. As I stepped inside, my gasp caught in my throat at the sight that met my eyes.

William heard my gasp and hurried towards the bathroom. Dahlia was sitting on the floor near the sink, her back resting against the wall. Without hesitation, we both rushed to her side. William's gaze was drawn to the white substance on the sink counter. He rubbed it between his fingers, his expression filled with concern.

Malfoy | Draco Malfoy [Book1](Unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now