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He chuckled "Is that your way of saying you missed me, brother?"


"You never told me you have a brother?" I knit my eyebrows in confusion as I look at Draco who was still glaring at his brother

"He didn't? I take that to my heart, Draco," Draco's brother says dramatically putting a hand on his chest over his robe.

"Don't be so extra." Draco rolled his eyes, as he kept on glaring at him.

They're related? I felt a small shiver when I heard that, so they were related, but the way they acted was so different. They looked so different.

That can't be his brother, can it?

Draco's hairs were platinum blonde, his eyes were blue his skin was pale. On the other hand, his brother had slightly warmer skintone, light brown curls, green eyes.

As much as I'd like to be amused watching their squabble and sibling rivalry, my mind is still preoccupied with the mysterious man with the hood.

"Is he really your brother?" I ask Draco.

"Yes," he replied, through gritted teeth, "That guy is really my brother," he spat out that last part, as he continued to stare at his brother.

"You didn't tell her, that I was coming?" his brother asks, in a playful tone, as Draco shoots a look back at him before looking back to me.

"Shut it, Let's go Thea" he says taking my hand, pulling me to walk behind him as I look back to see his brother who turned left while we turned right, and disappear into another dead end.

"Where did he go?" I ask as I saw him disappearing.

"That portal enters the west wing of the manor, don't go there it's his side," Draco replied as he kept walking holding my hand.

"His side?" I ask, as I'm walking behind him, my mind trying to connect the pieces to know the reason why he wouldn't want his brother to even go near me. "Yes, he stays in the west wing" he replies, looking back at me.

"And his name?" I continue to ask, as we exited the maze.

"Nicolas. As long as you're here, stay as far away from him as possible" he warns.

"Why, what's so wrong with him?" I ask, my curiosity piqued, as we keep on walking, he takes a sharp turn left into one of the hallways of the manor, the green marble walls on either side of us, and the floor made with the same smooth marble, the ceiling was tall and curved inward.

"Just promise me to stay away from him," he continues to say, making sure to emphasize that part, "Okay, but why do I have to stay away from him? What happened?" I ask my curiosity not subsiding no matter how much he's trying not to talk about it, it's just making my curiosity rise even more.

"Just, stay away from that wing of the manor" he said, as he leads me to take another sharp turn, this time on an upwards angle, making a straight path up to the third floor, as we take the spiral stair cases up and up, making our way to the third floor, we stop at one of the familiar door that is closed for us to get in, draco opens it easily with a flick of his wrist. We entered his room, again.

"You can rest if you want to," he says to me.

I let out a small sigh as I settled on his large, plush bed, my curiosity still not letting me ask any other questions about his brother, or the wing he's making sure we don't enter. He closes the door behind us, then proceeds to walk to the dresser, and start changing his clothes, while I'm on the bed, laying down.

From my point of view, I can see him in a mirror as he takes of his shirt, I can't help but look at his back as he changes his shirt.

I start to feel my heart beating faster as he takes off his shirt, I could see the outlines of his muscles flex as he changed the shirt.

Malfoy | Draco Malfoy [Book1](Unedited!)Where stories live. Discover now