Chapter 8: The Map (Part 1)

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The weeks were going by pretty slowly. 

No Crystal Warriors, no thugs, nothing. 

'I still don't understand why the warriors aren't showing their shiny glowing crystal faces anymore!' Jay yelled. 

'Maybe they're planning something bigger.' Lloyd said. 

'Maybe.' Chloe said. 

'But they don't usually hang out of sight for this long.' Nya said. 


Just then, PIXAL came running into the meeting room. 

'The Crystal Warriors! They're here!' She yelled. 

'WHAT?!' Everyone yelled. Why were the crystal warriors at the monastery instead of Ninjago City or Jamanakai Village?

'Defence positions!' Chloe yelled. 

Each of the ninja ran out and stood at their own position of the monastery. Same as their positons on the Bounty.  

They could see the crystal warriors climbing up the stairs to the monastery. And they were carrying something, a throne of some sort. 

Chloe squinted her eyes to see and what she saw, she didn't like. Garmadon and Stone were on that throne coming to the Monastery to possibly destroy it! 

'Guys, we have a huge problem.' Lloyd said. He too had noticed their parents sitting in the throne. 

'Yeah, like crystal warriors trying to attack us!' Kai yelled. 

'Bigger than that. Stone and Garmadon are here!' Chloe said. 

'Oh, yay the two greatest villains that have four arms are now riding over to our monastery to possibly destroy it to smithereens!' Jay yelled waving his arms around wildly. 

'This is gonna really bumpy.' Cole said. 

The crystal warriors were getting closer and closer. 

'We can't stay here any longer.' Chloe said. 

'What? Chloe, you aren't saying that we should just abandon our home! That's quitting! What happened to Ninja Never Quit?!' Kai asked.

'We aren't quitting. If we have to protect Ninjago, we need to keep ourselves safe. And staying here to fight an entire army of crystal warriors ain't gonna do the trick.' Chloe said. 

''I agree with Chloe.' Wu said. The others still seemed reluctant. 

'Guys, remember the Nindroid attack? We were hiding the entire time! Think of it like a repetition of that time!' Lloyd said. 

That sounded a bit stupid. 

But it wasn't for the guys. 

'I'm in. Where are we going?' Cole said. 

'You'll see.' Chloe said. 

'Get to your rides!' Kai yelled. 

In a few second everyone were in their respective vehicles. Master Wu was riding with Kai and Misako was with Nya. PIXAL got into her Samurai X suit. 

'Ready guys?' Chloe asked. 

'Ready.' They said in unison. 

'NINJA-GO!' We yelled as we drove off into the wilderness. 

'I'll miss our home.' Nya said through the comms. 

'I'll miss it too. We all will. But now, our main priority should be getting to the Spare Monastery.' Chloe said. 

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