🕸️ Chapter 3 🕸️

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It was the next day and you were currently sat down on the ground, Paradox being next to you, his Stinger dangling in front of your face.

You were currently getting ready to get poison into the small canister you had brought from the Northern Market so that you could then put it into the small red and black dagger you had.

Paradox roared at you, shifting his wings.

"You can remove your tail when it's halfway, sound nice?" You asked, looking at the dragon who nodded in return.

You grabbed his tail, making sure to not accidentally stab yourself or scrape your hand on his scales, before guiding it to the canister paper.

Paradox met it half-way and stabbed the paper to create a hole, a bright purple venom beginning to drip into it.

It was similar to a Scorpion.

Of course, with a Scorpion, it'd lose its venom, but Deathgripper's were rather different, and their venom was much stronger and came into larger quantites.

Deathgripper's could remake this venom.

You watched it fill halfway, before Paradox took his tail out, tilting his head side-to-side before getting up, unsheathing his tusks and getting up.

"Thanks!" You told your dragon, Paradox roaring in response before scuttling off and up a tree, most likely going to hunt.

You shook the canister a little before grabbing a small vial that was open, tilting your head slightly as you watched it drip slowly.

Once finished, you grabbed your dagger which had red accents along it, but was mostly white, orange accents on the black handle.

You set the canister aside before opening a small hatch attached to the handle, spotting an empty vial of Venom within the small dagger.

You took the vial out and set it off to the side before sliding the new one in, and it managed to reach the very bottom which was closest to the tip.

You closed the small hatch, and smiled.

"Done." You said, setting the dagger aside, making sure it was somewhere you could remember.

Usually, you used the dagger as a form of intimidation, but if you did stab someone, the venom would drip off the dagger and into their skin, veins and then blood stream.

Hence why the tip was rather sharp and there was a small hole in the dagger on top of a pointed part that would allow the poison to slide out easily.

You looked up a few times when you heard the roars of a not-so-lucky Thunderclaw or Scuttleclaw who just got ambushed by Paradox, hence the loud and extremely persistent roars and sounds of dragon blasts.

After a few moments of simply listening to the sounds to figure out what dragon it was, you came to the conclusion that it was neither, and it was simply a Hideous Zippleback.

You looked down at the dagger, before looking over at your other dagger, which you made not too long ago after you learned that having two was definitely better than one.

You grabbed it and opened the hatch on the handle, squinting your eyes to see if the vial that was currently in there was still filled.

You assumed it was, since you hadn't used it just yet.

Still looking, you saw that it was still filled, so you set it aside after closing the hatch, looking over at the forest.

After a few moments of looking around, you uncrossed your legs and got up, grabbing your daggers on the way up.

You were a little hungry, so you went over to where you usually put your food, which was usually an arrangement of fruits, since you didn't know exactly how to make good mutton unless you bought some from the Northern Market or managed to get it during Dreadfall.

Both were rather good options, but you only went to the Northern Market once a month and Dreadfall once a year, so you were usually stuck eating fruits.

Sometimes, you'd Indulge in fish, but usually, the fish wasn't exactly the best, depending on the type of fish and the way you cooked it.

"Paradox!" You called out after hearing the forest go completely silent, moving your head a little to try and hear a few noises, but there was nothing.

You were about to turn, but you were caught off guard by the feeling of something thick, wet and warm on your shoulder.

"Really, Paradox?" You sighed, knowing that Paradox was behind you and most likely had his tongue out.

Paradox roared at you, getting up to nudge your back a little bit, looking over at your daggers and using his tusks to nudge it, his two sets of tusks being covered in stained blood.

That was.. charming.

"I finished with the daggers, so tomorrow we're going to start a flight to scout Berk, got it?" You asked, looking to the dragon and blinking at him.

Paradox nodded, getting up to give you more space to look at his tusks.

Usually, Paradox preferred to have them rather clean, so you had to do it for him.

You grabbed a small rag made of leather, and crouched down to put it into a small bucket with water in it, one you didn't use for drinking.

"That means no morning hunts, we're gonna be leaving when the sun rises." You said, before squeezing the water out from the cloth and getting back up.

Paradox looked at you, pupils slit as he watched you go over his smaller set of tusks and then the larger ones that every Deathgripper had.

Since he was a Titan Wing, he gained the smaller tusks about five years ago, and watching them grow was actually pretty fascinating.

Once you were finished, you waving him off as you set the brown cloth down, not really caring for it any more.

After you were done, Paradox scuttled off into the bushes again, most likely to make the most of a night hunt so that he wouldn't be overly hungry in the morning.

You knew he'd most likely stop for breaks during the flight, despite it taking a day to get to berk and back since it was slightly off the archipelago now.

The flight shouldn't be too bad, except for the occasional rainstorms.

But that didn't bother you.

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