🕸️ Chapter 6 🕸️

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( Written In Berk's POV ) 

It was the morning, and Hiccup was currently in New Berk's great hall with Astrid, Eret, Valka, Snotlout, Fishlegs, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Gobber and their dragons.

After yesterday's 'dilemma' that caused have of Berk burning and acid spots being all over the place, they had to discuss it.

"We cant just brush it off as a 'Berkian Tradition'- this is the first time those two have came to the island and we have dragons, Hiccup!" Astrid said, Stormfly roaring in response.

"Let's totally crush those two!" Snotlout said, grinning.

Hookfang roared in agreement, not liking how he was lunged at and attacked by the Deathgripper from yesterday.

"That's true, but remember the last time we had messed with a few Deathgripper's?" Valka spoke up.

Cloudjumper nodded, Meatlug, Barf and Belch roaring in agreement to the statement.

Fishlegs looked through his dragon cards before sliding one onto the table and reading over it, Meatlug and Fishmeat looking over.

"Deathgrippers are a monstrous species with their protruding tusks, foreclaw pincers, and poisonous clubbed tails. Traveling in packs like wild dogs, Deathgrippers enjoy hunting for prey and should be avoided at all costs." Fishlegs said, reading it straight off the card.

"Pffft- sounds like an army of Thorstons." Tuffnut snorted, giggling.

"Yeah!" Ruffnut giggled, grinning.

"Shut up you two!" Snotlout shouted.

Toothless and Light Fury roared, Light Fury being sat near Cloudjumper while Toothless was sat next to Hiccup.

"Yes, this is a dragon rider we're talking about, but not everyone wants to have their identity discovered, and I don't want to be picking fights Berk might not be able to win." Hiccup said, sighing as he looked down.

"Come on, son, it'll finally close a myth Vikings have wondered for years." Valka said, smiling softly at her son.

"Look- this dragon rider seems experienced, and that Deathgripper looks violent, just like the ones we discovered with Grimmel, mind controlled or not!" Hiccup said.

Toothless roared at his rider as Light Fury stepped up, looking down at Fishlegs' dragon card and roaring at the picture of the Deathgripper.

"Guys, didn't that Deathgripper we saw have two tusks?" Astrid asked, raising her eyebrow as Stormfly roared happily at Toothless.

"Pfft- Fishlegs is such a bad artist." Snotlout said, grinning to himself.

"Hey! Shut up!" Ruffnut yelled, pulling Snotlout by the ear.

"It- it did... yes." Fishlegs told her, nodding to himself as he looked at the card again to see the picture that was there.

Grump  laid down on the ground next to Skullcrusher who was sat down, Skullcrusher roaring at the smaller dragon.

"Had different colours too, I don't think I've seen a Deathgripper with white on 'em." Eret told the group, putting his hands together.

"Unless it's a Titan Wing with the extra set of tusks." Gobber told the group, raising an eyebrow to look for confirmation.

"A Titan Wing? I haven't seen those in a while." Astrid said.

"That'd Be funny-" Tuffnut stated.

Toothless roared at his rider, who had a hand on his chin as he looked down at the image that Fishlegs had on his dragon card.

Gobber was right.

Titan Wings has extra features, and it just so happened that a Deathgripper would gain extra tusks as a Titan Wing.

"No- no- wait, Gobber's onto something! Titan Wings gain extra features, and that Deathgripper obviously was bigger than the ones we saw with Grimmel too!" Hiccup said.

Light Fury nodded as Cloudjumper loomed over the group, being the tallest dragon there.

"Come on, Hiccup! If the rider comes back we can catch them and get this over with!" Ruffnut whined, head rolling back.

"It's one dragon and one rider, it isn't going to do much damage with all of us." Gobber stated, shrugging a little bit.

"We could get more knowledge on Deathgripper's too!" Fishlegs said, kicking his feet a little as Fishmeat climbed onto his head.

"We won't even have to lay out any offers for the rider too, it'll be fine!" Eret said, Skullcrusher roaring in agreement.

"It's a good idea, Hiccup." Valka encouraged the boy, adjusting herself in her seat as Snotlout whistled at her.

Could you really blame Snotlout?

Hiccup looked over at Astrid, who was threatening to drag him and tell Stormfly to trigger a spine shot before looking over at Toothless and Light Fury, the two of them rather invested in looking at this.

"Fine." Hiccup sighed, frowning.

"Yeah!" Tuffnut cheered.

Barf and Belch roared happily, the two creating a small explosion happily.

Hookfang roared happily, wings stretching a little bit as he scuttled towards the group.

"Now I know where Zephyr gets his persuasion skills from." Hiccup said, looking at Astrid with a frown as Astrid hit him on the arm for it.

"We also have this dagger!" Fishlegs said, sliding the dagger that had an open hatch on it.

"Deathgripper venom." Valka said, grabbing the vial within it, the liquid being a thick purple substance, though she was careful with it.

"I remember the last time I saw that stuff." Snotlout said.

Light Fury looked at the venom and narrowed her eyes as Toothless did the same, his tail swaying a little bit.

"Not fun." Eret commented.

"There wasn't any straps attached to that Deathgripper or venom vials, so all we have to do is watch out for the tail! How hard can that be? We're Vikings, it's an occupational hazard!" Gobber said, Grump roaring quietly in agreement, not very interested.

Barf and Belch roared a little bit, their tail swaying.

"So this rider must know a lot about Deathgripper's to have trained one, let alone milk venom from its tail without complications." Hiccup said, nodding as he said that.

"Now I'm just wondering where the rider came from." Valka hummed, looking at the vial before setting it on the table and away from the dagger.

"I'd say our Dreadfall is gonna be pretty interesting now that we have ourselves another task." Astrid said as she grinned.

Stormfly roared in agreement, the rest of the dragons doing the same.

"If we're lucky, I'll get to mount a Deathgripper head on my wall! To match with the shark one!" Ruffnut said, smiling.

"Maybe that's not a good idea-" Fishlegs sighed.

"And maybe even a set of Deathgripper armour!" Snotlout said.

This was gonna be good.

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