🕸️ Chapter 9 🕸️

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It was the next day, and you were already packing up with Paradox, who hadn't taken the morning hunt, to help you pack up a little bit.

You had your armour on, since you were going to leave that same day anyways, since you didn't have much to pack, and you'd leave a few things there that you didn't need.

"You're gonna have to carry the rest of the supply of fish, berries and apples along with the map, and a few of the vials I have for the dagger I've got, and then the small pack of your scales I have in case of emergency." You told him, looking to several different things. "Sound good?"

Paradox nodded as you set a strap with a couple satchels over his back plating, along with a barrel that was the one you used for both yours and his shared food.

You walked over to your map and rolled it up as you flicked the visor to your helmet up, so that you didn't have to look through it while you were packing up.

As soon as you set the map into one of the saddle bags you had attached to his back plating, you grabbed an apple from the barrel and dropped it into his mouth.

"Dreadfall should be good, though. I'm sure they'll still offer us stuff, and if they don't, we'll simply have a last minute island switch and head to The Feathers." You hummed, walking towards the small sac of Paradox's scales.

After a couple moments of tightening the bag, you looked back to Paradox who roared at your previous statement, his tusks unsheathed with his pupils slit.

"We're gonna be flying for... what I'd say is two days, maybe less, maybe more, so we'll stop for you to hunt a couple dragons on different islands every so often." You said. "Depends on the weather and if we pass any storms. The wind is also a factor."

You walked back to the Strike Class dragon, placing the pouch into one of the saddle bags, patting his back plating once you walked away to go grab a couple of the vials you had that you used for Deathgripper venom.

"When we get there, try not to kill anything, or set stuff on fire." You said, not looking back at Paradox.

Paradox didn't quite like that statement, but he let it slide with a small hiss, tilting his head from side to side as he blinked a little bit.

You grabbed at least four vials from a wooden box you had and set them down, making sure they weren't filled with Deathgripper venom.

Your dagger was on the side of your body, just in case you had to pull it out or something, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Leaving the island felt refreshing but dreadful at the same time, since you had no idea about how Berk would treat you once they find out you used to be Berkian, and that you had the chance to come back to berk but didn't.

As soon as you finished putting vials into the saddle bag after checking them, you scratched Paradox's Wing a little bit before he turned around.

The black outlining around his mouth could be seen much better in the light, while the glowing markings he had were better to be observed in the night.

"Let's go to the beach?" You asked him, tilting your head as you brushed a leaf off your armour, it having fallen there in the same exact second.

You still had the visor up, not feeling the need to bring it down unless you had arrived to Berk.

After a few moments, paradox roared and began bounding towards the beach, you turning around and immediately running after the dragon so that you wouldn't lose him in the forest or something, or take long to get there.

As soon as you reached the edge of the forest, you looked back at it and smiled before stepping onto one of the many rocks that could be found on the rock beach, the waves crashing against the rock.

You had left quite a few things, being buckets, crates, the wooden desk along with the leather blankets and leather pillows you had made for yourself.

You didn't see why you'd need to bring it, since it was only extra weight that you knew Paradox wouldn't be happy with carryon if you made him do so.

Paradox looked over at you and roared, his foreleg pincers on the ground as he shook himself a little, waiting for you to get on so that he could get going.

The faster the two of you left, the faster the two of you got to Berk, and the faster he could get the barrels and saddle bags off of his back plating.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming." You said, patting the top of his head a little before swinging a leg over the middle of his back plating.

You settled yourself their rather easily, looking back at the several things you had brought there to see if they were still on and that they wouldn't fall on the way there or something.

Paradox roared and immediately took to the skies, beginning to go up at a slightly slower speed than he usually did to make sure the barrel didn't fall, and due to the extra weight simply holding him down.

"You sure you wanna leave the island and head back to Berk? We can turn back if you'd like." You said, leaning forward a little to reduce the drag caused by you.

Paradox turned his head to look back at you as his wings flapped.

Paradox shook his head and kept flying, indicating he didn't feel like turning back right now.

Of course, if he wanted to turn back at any point, you wouldn't deny him.

Your dragon had the right to be comfortable in the environment he lived in, so you wouldn't deny him of that if he wasn't ready to move away from the island.

You watched as the clouds moved, hearing the erratic wingbeats that Paradox was causing by increasing his speed with such movements.

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